My baby lorikeet wont stop screetching

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Hi. I recently got a rainbow lorikeet. She's about 6-7 weeks old. She's very cute and all and is feeding really well. Unfortunetly she won't stop screetching when she sees us,and does not stop for a while. I was wondering if she was unhappy or distressed. We let her walk around the house and outside in our background supervised. Is this normal for a young lorikeet?
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Shane Gowland
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Rainbow lorikeets are screechers. If they're happy, they screech. If they're upset, they screech.

You need to train the bird not to screech for your attention. Spend a lot of time with her when she's being quiet or making quieter vocalisations. As soon as she screeches, walk away and ignore her. Eventually she will learn that being quiet gets her the most attention.

Rainbows are VERY social birds, so you might need to look into getting her a friend if you can't commit to giving her attention many times during the course of the day.
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The bird could also be hungry. Baby birds and young birds just out of the nest will screech when they see their parents (you) and start begging for food. A 6-7 week old lorikeet is just out of the nest and will beg for food from its parents for another month or two after leaving the nest.

The age of the bird also means it shouldn't be left alone. It's still a young child and needs company. If the bird was hand raised, then company is even more important. If you can find another bird that is the same age to keep it company, that would help it emotionally and in the long run. Birds kept on their own tend to develop psychological issues.
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