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overly protective cock

Posted: 17 Jul 2020, 19:58
by karlisa
hi,i have a new aviary that is 3m x 2m x 2.8m high and it is planted with at least 7 different nesting spots.trouble im having is i put 3 pr of painteds in last week and ever since one cock in particular is constantly chasing all the others and his hen is also chasing the others.they seem to have chosen a spot to 3 pr too many for my aviary ? how do i fix the aggression issue ? the cock in question is really lovely so i definately dont want to sell him plus he's split to fawn.will the chasing settle down or what should i do ? any advice very much appreciated

Re: overly protective cock

Posted: 18 Jul 2020, 01:21
by E Orix
They are the Apex pair, take the others out and replace with a different specie.
If left on their own they would most likely breed more than having the 3 pair in the one aviary anyway

Re: overly protective cock

Posted: 18 Jul 2020, 11:05
by karlisa
ok thanks orix,i noticed just now things are settled more as there is an egg in the nest so he's been busy sitting on that rather than chasing the others.

Re: overly protective cock

Posted: 18 Jul 2020, 11:58
by finchbreeder
Are these the only birds in the avairy?

Re: overly protective cock

Posted: 18 Jul 2020, 12:09
by Craig52
The problem with too many prs of painteds in a smaller aviary is jealousy. When a cock bird stands up and displays to his hen other cock birds will fly in and attack him and try to mate with the hen so sometimes the hen can lay infertile eggs due to the disruption or be mated with the opposing male/s.
The above really doesn't matter if all birds are split for fawn or fawn but if there is any normals in the prs you just can't guarantee that all the progeny are splits this only produces inferior birds that need test breeding for results to a fawn bird.
One pr of a split and a colour can guarantee all progeny are either splits or fawns. You will get better results from one pr than you will from several prs to a smaller aviary.

Re: overly protective cock

Posted: 18 Jul 2020, 21:08
by karlisa
i have the 3 prs and a pair of tanimbars in it.i will see how they all go and if theres still trouble then i'll put different species in.

Re: overly protective cock

Posted: 19 Jul 2020, 14:13
by finchbreeder
So it is not a problem of insufficent nests. How many avairies do you have?

Re: overly protective cock

Posted: 19 Jul 2020, 18:44
by karlisa
just the one aviary,i think i'll sell at least 1pr and maybe try some yellow siskins

Re: overly protective cock

Posted: 20 Jul 2020, 11:47
by finchbreeder
Finches generally work best in single pairs or 3 or more pairs. 2 pairs is not good, the cocks will generally speaking be constantly trying to prove supreme. In single pair situations they can concentrate on breeding. In groups of 3 or more they have more than 1 other bird to argue with and are less likely to reach the dangerous stage of killing the oponent, because they divide their time between oponents. A pair of a different sort is a good way to go. You could even offer to swap 2 pair of painteds for 1 pair of siskins - don't know if anyone would be interested but you only know if you try.

Re: overly protective cock

Posted: 22 Oct 2020, 14:00
by karlisa
well i sold a pair of painteds so still have 2 pr both breeding well atm the cocks only chase each other occasionally now so all is well there,bought a pair of yellow siskins and all birds are getting on well now.its so nice to sit and enjoy them