Purple-Crowned Lorikeets with Finches

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Ian Hamilton
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The only problem I found with them was their curiosity inspecting & then pulling apart finch nests - so unfortunately they were out & not kept them since. Pity, they are a beautiful & charming little bird.
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Finch Whisperer
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I had them many years ago with finches they didn't cause any issues. My finches continued to breed as usual. The Purple crowns became very tame and landed on my hand to get apple ect. But eventually they had to go due to my White walls becoming filthy. In the colder weather the walls didn't dry fast and was disgusting. Sad to see them go.

On another note I am a member of ASA and was invited to join the Commitee.
At one commitee meeting I pointed out that the size ring written in the journal for Purple crowns was the same as a Budgie.
But I knew from experience these birds need a larger ring, same size as King quail. Due to fat little legs and ankles.
Well my comments were met with disbelief. How could this commitee newbie know something that was overlooked by far superior birdkeepers.
The Ring size was ignored and was never changed for 10+ years.
I stopped wasting my time on Commitee, it was clear my role was make up the numbers and keep quiet.
The guy who scoffed at my suggestion was recently awarded a OAM for his services.
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It's very hard to change old minds in aviculture good as they might be but that shouldn't effect your status as a committee member so do your own thing.
Not PCL's but i had a pr swift parrots in a large planted aviary with finches and they bred along side with the finches with no problems.
Swifts although not really a lorikeet still have water pistol bums and their droppings leave black mouldy stains every where like all the lorikeets.
I would advise to house all lorikeet species in separate aviaries on their own due to different feeding requirements to finches.
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Location: Midwest of West.Aust.Coast

What Craig said about committees I 2nd. Some people have fixed opinions. Can't ever accept that someone else may know something. But if you want to achieve something stick to it - a variety of oppinions and backgrounds will always give the best results. Because no one ever knows everything and we should all always be open to learning from others.
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Had varieds in with gouldians in small aviary.
They resented newly fledged gouldians in proximity on perch and would grab unsuspecting birds by legs, throwing them off perch, often breaking legs causing young to have to be euthanised.
Individual behaviour of lorikeets vary... very tolerant of other lorikeets including other lorikeet species but can be bossy/ downright aggressive with anything else.
Have hen rock parrots that won't tolerate finches either, especially when breeding.
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