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Purple-Crowned Lorikeets with Finches

Posted: 06 Jul 2021, 21:49
by Brisbane_Finches_333
Hi Everyone,

I have seen quite a few people with Purple-Crowned Lorikeets and finches in the same aviary and I'm wondering if you think they'd be compatible?


Re: Purple-Crowned Lorikeets with Finches

Posted: 06 Jul 2021, 23:40
by Rod_L
I prefer to keep hook beak birds (parrots) separate from pointy beak birds (finches). The parrots can sometimes bite the feet and legs off the finches. There are exceptions (Neophemas like Bourke's, scarlets, elegants) that can go in with finches but lorikeets are not recommended due to their diet, liquid poop that goes everywhere, and the possibility of injuries to the finches.

Re: Purple-Crowned Lorikeets with Finches

Posted: 07 Jul 2021, 11:37
by finchbreeder
I'm completely with Rod on this one.

Re: Purple-Crowned Lorikeets with Finches

Posted: 07 Jul 2021, 16:23
by Shane Gowland
I've seen purple-crowned in with finches a number of times too. Always in a large aviary though.

Re: Purple-Crowned Lorikeets with Finches

Posted: 07 Jul 2021, 17:35
by Rod_L
Large aviary is the key. If there is lots of room, then there is less chance of the birds being near each other. But anything smaller than 5 meters x 5 meters could be a problem.

Re: Purple-Crowned Lorikeets with Finches

Posted: 07 Jul 2021, 18:45
by noah.till
Purple crowned lorikeets are ok in with finches in a larger, well planted aviary but in smaller ones they can be pretty naughty and dash around like maniacs and disturb the finches. Varied lorikeets are much more placid despite their high price, stunning birds.

Re: Purple-Crowned Lorikeets with Finches

Posted: 08 Jul 2021, 12:32
by arthur
I am against the mixing of any species, and have expressed that view many times here and elsewhere, with reasons

I love the small lorikeets and have kept and bred them all . . as colonies, both small and large, but only of their own kind

Can you keep Purple-Crowns with finches . . Of course you can; and lots of people do . .

The real question is: "Should you??"

Re: Purple-Crowned Lorikeets with Finches

Posted: 09 Jul 2021, 21:54
by Brisbane_Finches_333
Thanks for the responses everyone, I knew that my aviary was far too small. I was just curious as to what people thought about it and whether I could do so in the future.


Re: Purple-Crowned Lorikeets with Finches

Posted: 10 Jul 2021, 11:39
by Gympie birds
My uncle has them in with finches. When I looked after his birds I did not notice any aggression but it was a large avairy about 5m x 5 m. They did however fly around crazy in there as they are avairy birds when you entered the avairy. This could cause a injury to the smaller birds.

Re: Purple-Crowned Lorikeets with Finches

Posted: 10 Jul 2021, 13:28
by arthur
In the light of the contributions to the above thread, it might be interesting to see someone start a new thread on the pro's/ con's of keeping different species in the same enclosure . .