Need help with rental eviction

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Just wondering if anyone knows anything about rental properties and evictions in Western Australia?

I have been renting this place since the end of 2016.
A month ago I got an eviction notice because the owner wants to sell.
They refuse to give me a lease and want me out.
I haven't done anything bad. I don't have visitors or parties. I don't drink, smoke or take drugs. The only people who come here are the real estate agent, cops and nut house.
I do my own repairs because the owner and real estate agent don't do work orders.

I have serious health issues including severe heart disease, diabetes and lung cancer caused by a stupid council that dumped asbestos on a public park and refused to cover it up to stop the dust blowing around. I have anxiety, depression, PTSD, OCD, agoraphobia and a few other psychological disorders. No psychiatric issues.

I can't get a vaccine here and will die if I catch any virus, be it a cold, flu or covid19.

I don't have transport and can't go outside. I have nowhere to live and nobody to help me.

I have less than 4 weeks to find a place to live and there are literally no places for rent in WA. And the 1 or 2 places that do appear on the market each week have 200-400 plus applicants per property.

I have been on the Homeswest (public housing) waiting list for 21 years and am still waiting. There are over 30,000 people on the Homeswest waiting list too. The WA government hasn't built any public housing for 13 years.

I have been trying to get help from charity organisations, entry point, the state & federal gov, health department, nut house, cops, TV stations, newspapers, courts, lawyers, anyone I can think of, and nobody can/ will help.

I have had the mental health teams and cops out here most days for the last month because I am preparing to kill myself because I can't find anywhere to live and nobody is helping me.

Does anyone know of any way I can stay in my home after the eviction time has come?

Sorry for posting this here but I have nowhere else to go and you guys are the closest thing I have to family and friends.
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Hi Rod,

I feel so bad for you right now with this situation and I hope you're doing well :) :) .This station that you are in is extremely unfair towards you and there must be someone who can help.

I tried to do some research to help you and the WA Government says this:

If you have an urgent need for housing and don’t have any other housing options, please contact your local Housing Authority Office for information on applying for priority assistance.

Alternatively I suppose you could try calling Lifeline or Mensline and asking someone there about what to do.

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Hi Rod,

Sorry to hear about your predicament, it is certainly a challenging housing market in Perth currently.

"Does anyone know of any way I can stay in my home after the eviction time has come?"
Not a lawyer, so can not help you with that one. I presume you have been in contact with legal aid.

Given your health issues, it would be reasonable to contact the social worker at the hospital that is coordinating your care and ask for advice on crisis accommodation.
Hang in there, something will turn up

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Hi Rod, to be honest your post has freaked out and i'm shocked to hear that you think there is nobody out there to help you with your predicament. Both Aiden and Brett have given some really good advise so please give it some thought about who else you can contact for help.
Never give up and take those thoughts out of your mind as i know what you are talking about having a daughter DO a similar thing because she thought nobody cared. They do but you have to ask for it, in particular mental health support.
Stay calm mate and reach out. Craig
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Geez Rod hope everything works out well for you pal as craig has said something will come out of this for you, we must keep on fighting and not giving up been down that track we never know what tomorrow will bring, good luck cheers mick
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Rod - I have been a Private Landlady in WA for the past 30+ years. The Department of Consumer Protection is the body charged with giving advice to and assisting both Tenants and Landlords with the regulations in regard to Tenancies. I strongly advise that you phone your nearest branch and talk to someone there who can advise and, depending on both sides of the story, advocate a solution.
I know nothing about your or your Landlords situation bar what is above.
But I am in the position of losing my ability to work for over 18 months due to Covid and being reliant on a rental income which is less than a pension. If I had a morgage to pay I would be in the position of having to sell my rental or go broke. So you see I can see both sides of possiblility.
I sincerely hope that a resolution can be found for you.
In the mean time don't do anything silly, there is always someone who will be hurt more by a rash decission we make that we will ever know, till it is too late. I have seen too much of the devestation to the ones left behind.
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There's always a way out Rod, don't ever doubt that. Stay strong mate, I already see 6 caring people here that have taken the time to send good thoughts, thats 6 people (including myself) that I'm sure are more than happy to have a chat when you need. Don't be afraid to ask. Take care Rod.
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Thanks for the positive thoughts but nothing has changed. I have tried everything you have suggested before I posted this.

The housing authority office is department of housing here (aka Homeswest). I have been on their waiting list since 2000.

I have been contacting all the help lines and charity organisations and none can help.

Legal Aid won't help and says I should contact my local community law office, which I did a while back and a few times since. I am still waiting for them to reply.
Other legal firms suggest Circle Green and Peel community law (local community law office I am still waiting for a response from them).
Consumer Protection doesn't help and suggests I contact Circle green and peel community law.
The magistrates courts won't offer help and suggest I contact consumer protection.

I spent Wednesday in hospital on suicide watch. The psychiatrists there couldn't help because I have psychological issues, not a chemical imbalance in my brain. The doctors couldn't help. The social worker suggested everything listed above, which I had already tried, and she had no more ideas.

There is nowhere to live. There is no public housing. I can't buy a secondhand van because they cost as much as a new one now thanks to covid shutting down automobile plants. My car is stuffed and I can't wind the window up (stupid power windows), and there are no mechanics around here to fix it. I still can't get a vaccine. All I do is sit here all day freaking out because I can't find anywhere to live and I'm going to die on the street during a pandemic. I can't deal with this anymore
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I do not know if you have a Salvation Army group down there Mate, but they are a really good mob for finding short term solutions up here. Yeah I know a long term solution is what you need, but a short term one beats none while you look. Stay strong .
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hello rod,
this is an extremely sad situation for you but there has to be help out there.have you considered moving further away maybe in a country area somewhere,if you ring some real estates they should be able to find you something for rent as long as youre not too fussy about where you in nsw and because of covid tenants are not allowed to be evicted while this is going on,i have a step daughter whos being evicted as well and she can now stay without being kicked out,not sure about WA you have any friends or family you can stay with temorarily ? please check in here regularily and update us on this as many on here are concerned for you rod.
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