injured wing feathers

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First time posting here, hoping for some advice regarding an Injury one of my birds sustained during a night fright. One of my young DF yellow males (born last season) somehow damaged almost all the flight feathers on one wing. Fortunately the wing isn't broken, but most of the feathers are broken off near the wing. Poor guy tries to fly but ends up just doing flips and crashing because of the imbalance between the good wing on one side and the damage on the other. He has injured himself further trying to flap around. My question is what to do:
A) do nothing except keep him in a hospital cage until he molts out.
B) Clip the feather on the other side so he is at least balanced as he molts.
C) pull the broken feathers to encourage them to grow back earlier.

What would you guys suggest?
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If those flights are broken above the quills they won't grow back till it moults out at the end of the year. Might sound cruel but pluck them out and they grow back in a couple of weeks which is quite quick so best to keep it in your hospital cage till they do
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Thanks for the advice Craig! I will give it a try.
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