Red Siskins

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Hi all.
Not sure that this is this is the correct place for the following but please feel free to move it a more appropriate place.
I need to exit the world of bird breeding ASAP. Approximately 15 pairs of Red Siskins need to be found a new custodian within the next week.
I really don't wish to fragment this diverse gene pool by selling them off to dealers or novices, so am searching for an experienced breeder who could make good use of these birds. I am willing to negotiate a fair deal with any suitable prospective purchaser.
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Hi Jon, that's a bit sad for you and I know the feeling šŸ˜¢
There is a red sisken recovery group in Sydney that is also affiliated with Southern American group.
Being in Wollongong you might know that Sam Davis of the Finch Society of Australia runs this group šŸ¤”
He would know experienced breeders who could help you out.
Sam's number is
Hope that helps. Cheers Craig
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Best of luck in finding the right people.
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Mr Tino
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Are Aiken still available mate.i have friend who is interested in all of them
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Hi Jon
Are these Red Siskens still available?
If so can you contact me on 0402931117
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Hi Jon if you still have the red siskins I am very interested as I love theses finches And would love to talk to you Also if anyone has spare hen females please call spiro on 0418877257 from Melbourne
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Hi Spiro they have been rehomed going by above post sorry
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