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Posted: 06 Sep 2009, 20:45
by jusdeb
Still no niger seed around and the produce store was reluctant to open his last bag of red panicum , a little attitude swayed him to open it .
Found some linseed and yellow panicum so fingers crossed they wont miss out too much.... :x

Re: still

Posted: 06 Sep 2009, 21:06
by Mickp
if you lived closer Deb I would have been able to help with the niger. have 20kilo in the shed which I dont think will be used this year as I have already started reducing the amount I give the birds

Re: still

Posted: 06 Sep 2009, 21:20
by jusdeb
Thanks mickp , guess it wont be long b4 they dont need to be eating it but it still gets bitter here at night ....The linseed should provide at least some omegas . One interesting thing is that they are going through a heck of a lot more seed since the niger ran out so they are compensating themselves for the shortage so thats a good thing..