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Different States . . Different Fauna Laws

Posted: 06 Dec 2010, 15:09
by arthur
Far too quiet round here :shh: :shh:

What are your "pet-hates" :evil: :twisted: :evil: as regards your states fauna laws

Finch wise, they seem roughly similar(?) . . but for native softbills the various :crazy: :crazy: rules are a dog's breakfast

My opinion . .

If a bird species is able to be held legally and traded legally in one state . . and is not a declared pest species . . then it should be able to be imported and held legally in any other state of this wide brown (becoming greener) land

Whingers and Bush-lawyers . . Start your engines!!

Re: Different States . . Different Fauna Laws

Posted: 06 Dec 2010, 16:31
by jusdeb
Well I reckon that since we are an island surrounded by lots and lots of water then yes it should be the same across the country ....the one state I dont get is WA and the quaranteen laws .

Then theres good old NSW who gave me a warning of suspension for being slightly late with my record books but yet didnt have a thing to say about 3 pairs of double bars I bought unlicensed ( bought before I knew the rules and dobbed myself in at that ).

Its not like Australia is soooo big that we need to have different laws for each state.

Re: Different States . . Different Fauna Laws

Posted: 06 Dec 2010, 20:12
by GregH
Well safe from my abode in the Philippines and since I can no longer post on Wikileaks I'll add my 2c worth (actually two cents wust be orth at leat 20c by now given inflation but that's another matter. While the abolition of state boundaries and laws migh appear logical there are regional considerations. Tasmania is physically isolated from teh rest of the country and is more temperate than the rest of the country and has less native finches so perhaps they are more vulnerable to colonisation of temperate exotic species (eg European finches). Should risk of establishing ferals be a consideration - YES. If you agree on that then surely a state like WA which is biogeographically isolated from Eastern Australia by the arid Nullabor have laws to protect its biota from exotic avifauna (natives and exotic) that might take a toe-hold? While I'm onto it surely the risk of colonisation is based not just on the presence of a species but that species ecological tolerances so say tropical African species that might be a risk in the Kimberly are hardly going to establish feral populations in the Stirling ranges down south. State based boundaries make no sense but ecological tolerances do

Re: Different States . . Different Fauna Laws

Posted: 06 Dec 2010, 20:33
by jusdeb
hmmm yes tasmania does come under a different category since they are surrounded by sea also.

Re: Different States . . Different Fauna Laws

Posted: 06 Dec 2010, 20:59
by Buzzard-1
jusdeb wrote:hmmm yes tasmania
Good mutations thou with all the inbreeding an all

Re: Different States . . Different Fauna Laws

Posted: 06 Dec 2010, 21:08
by jusdeb
My partner is Tasmanian they did a good job on him ...cant see the scars at all ( you know extra digit and all ) no but seriously they are a bit different down there ahem cough cough

Re: Different States . . Different Fauna Laws

Posted: 06 Dec 2010, 21:12
by Buzzard-1
What do you mean Deb I was talking about birds :innocent:

Re: Different States . . Different Fauna Laws

Posted: 06 Dec 2010, 21:13
by jusdeb
Nuffin , nuffin at all :innocent: :innocent: :innocent:

Re: Different States . . Different Fauna Laws

Posted: 06 Dec 2010, 21:13
by jusdeb

Re: Different States . . Different Fauna Laws

Posted: 06 Dec 2010, 21:26
by Buzzard-1
Image@ Deb