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Strange happenings

Posted: 03 Jan 2011, 11:52
by Diane

Re: Strange happenings

Posted: 03 Jan 2011, 13:49
by Buzzard-1
I was commenting to the Mrs New years eve as we watched the fireworks on telly.What about the fish and sea birds on the harbour and the smoke pollution, if your car put out any visible smoke you'd be put off the road and fined and as for the cost there are flood victims who could have used that money.I don't know how they prioritise spending of tax money.

Re: Strange happenings

Posted: 03 Jan 2011, 15:56
by finchbreeder
I like fireworks but have to say when we were kids they were a novelty. :thumbup: Australian Day and New Years day. Now it seems we have them for peoples birthdays and new store openings and all sorts. :yawn: Where is the novelty for todays kids?

Re: Strange happenings

Posted: 03 Jan 2011, 16:47
by jusdeb
No novelty its like everything these days , chocolate is a food group , toys are a weekly reward , take away is a staple and fizzy is the new cordial ...blah we had water , ice cream parlour once a week when we went to the beach , chocolate at easter and toys at xmas or birthdays.

And Im not saying I did without , I was never for want of anything just didnt get given into .... as for fireworks YEAH just loved having to stay at home because we knew Axle the wonder dog would try and break the back door down to escape the noise. NO didnt ever mind when it was once a year but we have had them here for monster trucks , crusty demons , some football game when some big knob from some a grade team played out here and then New years TOO MUCH.