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Species Profile

Posted: 30 Jan 2011, 15:34
by Mickp
Latin Name:
Neochmia phaeton

Other Names:
Blood Finch


Adult - The body colour is a dark red, with white spots just below the wings and the belly is either black or white. The face and tail are a bright red, with the face colouring commencing at the beak and extending well past the eyes. Top of the head and back of the neck are a dark brown/ black colour.
Juveniles - Hopefully members who have these birds will be able to describe the juveniles.

Overall the cock bird is much brighter in colour than the hen.
Hopefully members who have these birds will be able to give us some more details.

Basic Breeding Info:
Average Clutch Size: 5 to 6 eggs
Incubation Period: 14 days
Leave nest: 21 days

Have been told that they breed best in a well planted aviary and that live food is a must for breeding.
Crimson’s have a reputation for being an aggressive bird, true or not I don’t know. My guess is that this would differ from pair to pair.

Approximate cost per pair:

South Australia



New South Wales

Western Australia


crimson cock.jpg
crimson hen.jpg

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