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White Fronted Chat

Posted: 05 Oct 2009, 21:53
by Mickp
Latin Name:
Epthianura albifrons

Other Names:

Basic Breeding Info:
Average Clutch Size: 2 to 4
Incubation Period: 13 days
Leave nest: 13 to 14 days
First Moult: 8 to 12 weeks

Breeding - Late winter through to mid Autumn, although rain can also act as a trigger. Will multi brood (had one pair have 13 consecutive rounds) if the food is kept up to them.
Nests - Cup shaped, made from coconut fibre and similar grasses, generally lower than 1m from the ground.
Feed - Mealworms, maggots, small crickets, moths, vinegar fly, termites, lebanese cucumber and can be encouraged to take softfood. Will also pick at seeding grasses and thistles but perhaps picking off minute bugs.
Can be kept with finches in mixed collections although thought should be given to the housing with finches which will gorge on livefood

Approximate cost per pair:
Variable, between $250-$350pr

South Australia:



New South Wales:

Western Australia:


