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Aurora (pictures needed)

Posted: 13 Apr 2010, 14:19
by fincher
Latin Name:
pytilia phoenicoptera

Other Names:
crimson winged pytillia


Adult – On cocks the head, neck and under parts are grey. With the under parts being barred with white from the lower breast to the tail. The wings are grey with a large area of crimson. The crimson is also visible on the tail .
Hens appear similar to the cocks except for the males being a browner grey. The white barring is less defined and the crimson slightly duller on the hens.
Juveniles – are similar to the females except that they appear more scruffier and the colours being duller.


Basic Breeding Info:
Average Clutch Size: 3 to 4 eggs
Incubation Period: 12 to 13 days
Leave nest: 18 to 20 days

Approximate cost per pair in Australia:
New South Wales:
South Australia:
Western Australia: