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St Helena

Posted: 10 Apr 2010, 20:13
by Mickp
Latin Name:
Estrildid astrild

Other Names:
Common Waxbill

Fawn, Yellow, Cinnamon, Pied

Adult – The body in general is a light brown colour with very fine bars/stripes. Beak is bright red. Cock and hen both have a red eye patch. The belly area is red. Around the vent is black.
Juveniles – Light brown all over. Eye patch and belly colour is very faint, bars/stripes not visible. Adult colours start to appear at approximately 6 weeks

The vent area of the cock bird is black while that of the hen is brown. The overall colouring of hens is duller when compared to cock birds. Hens have less red on the belly.

Basic Breeding Info:
Average Clutch Size: 4 to 6 eggs
Incubation Period: 12 to 14 days
Leave nest: 20 to 22 days

Approximate cost per pair in Australia:
Normal $45
New South Wales:
Normal $45
Fawn $50
Yellow $90
Normal $60
South Australia:
Normal $60
Cinnamon $50
Fawn $55
Heavy Pied $100
White $200
Yellow $80
Western Australia:
Saint Helena in the wild.jpg
Saint Helena.jpg
Fawn St Helena.jpg
st helena juvenile.jpg