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Roosting Nest?

Posted: 17 Feb 2011, 19:04
by iaos
A couple of questions?
Dano noted that Tri Colours will utilise a nest in cold weather. I have a pair that have started to fill a wicker basket and roost in it at night. So will TCPF's build a roosting nest? and if they do, will they use the roosting nest as a nest when/if they nest or do you think they will build another?

Re: Roosting Nest?

Posted: 18 Feb 2011, 11:38
by Matt
I've never noticed mine actually build a roosting nest, though maybe because there was always an old unused nest somewhere for them to camp out in. I have had numerous pairs (both tri-colours and red faced) build several nests over a period of months before any eggs are actually laid. For me, if they get too cosy in their nest without laying eggs, I separate them for a few of weeks and try again or change the cock bird. If you want to swap a cock (or hen), I have a few just finished colouring.

Re: Roosting Nest?

Posted: 19 Feb 2011, 13:16
by dano_68
Hi iaos,

I have never had TCPF build a roosting nest. Mine usually camp in a bush or on a perch unless they are nesting.

Re: Roosting Nest?

Posted: 20 Feb 2011, 20:20
by iaos
Thanks Matt and Dano, I'll give them a couple of weeks are reassess whether they need a bit of a diet or a little time apart to make the heart grow fonder.

Matt (because you are in my neck of the woods) what is the latest time in the season you are happy to have them breeding?


Re: Roosting Nest?

Posted: 20 Feb 2011, 21:17
by Matt
I have had them fledge here in June but but wouldn't recommend going past that. Probably not quite as susceptible as goulds or blue faced are with the cold as they use a lot of feathers.

Re: Roosting Nest?

Posted: 06 Apr 2011, 07:52
by iaos
Well its only taken them ~2 months, but they have finally decided to put some eggs in that nest. Fingers crossed they go through with it, but eggs are a good start :D

This is the same hen with the lump on the top of her beak, I haven't sorted this problem out yet, so I hope its not an issue for this clutch :?

Re: Roosting Nest?

Posted: 06 Apr 2011, 20:46
by Matt
Good news iaos! Do you have them in a cabinet? I tried 2 pairs in cabinets this season at the same time I paired my gouldians and nothing at all.

Re: Roosting Nest?

Posted: 06 Apr 2011, 21:17
by iaos
Yes I have them in a double cabinet. I have tea-tree at one end with a cane basket in amongst it. I also have shade cloth over half of the cabinet to try and give them a bit more privacy.

I'm skeptical if they will sit, is hard to know if they haven't really settled in or are just being flighty parrot finches. When I had a quick peak there was only two eggs that i could see, so i should be a few days before they start sitting. I'll have to give them plenty of privacy, because I suspect they wont be on the eggs anytime i'm in the bird area.

Re: Roosting Nest?

Posted: 07 Apr 2011, 19:05
by avishoot
hi iaos
i'm up the valley from you and my TCPFs have young in the nest now. when i kept them some time ago i found that february --> april were their most productive months . try and harvest as much green panic that you can get and store in the freezer if you cannot guarantee supply . best of luck

Re: Roosting Nest?

Posted: 07 Apr 2011, 23:14
by iaos
Thanks for the tip Avishoot. I have a reasonable supply of seeding grass in the freezer atm, but i should get my act together and harvest all i can before this weather gets any worse.
