Rare Dove in Britain - link

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Birdwatcher and finch-keeper.

Feel free to check out my photos here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/lewinsrail/
And my birding antics here: http://worthtwointhebushbirding.blogspot.com.au/
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Location: Chapel Hill, Brisbane Qld

I saw this in one of the papers too and thought how different you :alien: in Australia. The bird would be assumed to be an aviary escapee, a potentially invasive secies (parthenogenic hatchings aren't out of the question - just rare) and I'm pretty sure that if it turned up in Tassie or WA it would be shot on sight by the authorities. :irked:
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Location: Northern 'burbs of Adelaide

There probably isnt a spare bed to be had in that town, and I bet the local carpark is full of caravans! :lol:
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Recently (last month) a first for Australia turned up in a backyard near Cairns, Much the same thing happened, just no entry fee, and there was alot of etiquette towards the bird (Ie, no one stressing it out for a picture or something)
Latest Lifer: Black-headed Gull (HaLong Bay. #528)
Australia List: 324 (White-throated Nightjar)
Global Year List: 119 (Powerful Owl)
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