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Posted: 20 Aug 2011, 10:19
by Jayburd
I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction on my tri colours?
I bought a male in March, and recently procured a hen for him. They have been paired up in breeding cage to get used to each other before placing them in the main aviary.
I placed a nest box in with them, realising too late that apparently they don't use roosting nests. However, not wanting to disturb them again, I left it in.
They have learnt now that the box is the "safe place" in their cage, and dive into it should a human appear.
However, last night when I went to put the blanket over their cage (it is quite cold at the moment, even inside, and it keeps them settled), I found the male sleeping in the nest, despite the apparent "fact" that they do not use roosting nests.
Is he just a rebel? Is it even possible they could be sitting already? I only paired them on monday. Certainly I would like to think they are nesting.
My other question is this - Would they be likely to breed in such a cage? they have plenty of nesting grass but the cage is only about 60cm long, 35cm deep and 40cm high. I do not want them to become to obese.

So all up:
What do you think he is doing?
Should I procede with my plan to release them next saturday? (depending on the weather of course)
Is it even possible they could be nesting after such a short time?
and Is it advisable to even be thinking about trying to breed them in such a small cage?

Re: Tris

Posted: 20 Aug 2011, 10:31
by mattymeischke
Mine roost in boxes; I hadn't heard that they didn't.
Maybe our birds haven't heard that either.
I think it unlikely that they are nesting, and would be inclined to give them more room.
Good luck.
Such beautiful birds.....

Re: Tris

Posted: 20 Aug 2011, 10:35
by SamDavis
Probably not much help as I've never tried to breed them in cabinets but apparently it's not uncommon. In my aviaries I haven't seen them use roosting nest and they tend to leave the breeding nest really easily when I approach, so would seem a bit odd that they bolt into a breeding nest when you approach. Have they built a nest in the box? And are they staying in the box during the day? Seems pretty unlikely they would have laid in less than a week, but I suppose it's possible. I have inspected their nests a few times without a problem, so I'd say it's probably ok to have a quick look.

Re: Tris

Posted: 20 Aug 2011, 10:59
by Jayburd
Thanks guys. Yeah I want to give them more room, but if they are happy there...
They have not built a nestas such to my knowledge, I put grass in there to start with.
I can't really look, as it would mean taking the birds out and then taking the box out :thumbdown: not very well thought out in my part.
They usually come straight out again if I walk outside or go back inside, or stay really still.

Thanks again, I think I'll put them in the aviary soon with a bit more room hopefully they go down :D

Re: Tris

Posted: 20 Aug 2011, 11:20
by mattymeischke
Maybe a mirror? I keep one in the aviary to look into awkwardly placed nests.
Just a thought....

Re: Tris

Posted: 20 Aug 2011, 12:42
by Jayburd
hey that's a great idea! might try that :D

Re: Tris

Posted: 20 Aug 2011, 12:44
by Tiaris
Tri-colours are far shyer than the other PFs and only feel secure when they can have a darker corner to hide away in. This may be his motivation in using the box. If you plan to keep them in the smaller cage I would add some form of partial screen on one end (perhaps some small branches or hessian over the front of the the cage) to give some sense of security/privacy. Obesity would be a very important consideration if housing them in a small enclosure for breeding. I have no doubt that they would attempt breeding in cages as this how they were initially established in captivity. If you do this you would need to withhold any fattenning foods until they have young (softfoods,livefoods, canary seed). If you put them out into a larger aviary (which I'd recommend once the weather warms up sufficiently) as you catch them just check their belly area - if you can see yellow/orange colour under the skin they are already fat & this may result in poor fertility & "breeding drive". In my experience, any genuine breeding attempt is commenced with a very thorough nest-building effort. If they roost in a box without a significant amount of nesting material it is unlikely they are in there to breed.

Re: Tris

Posted: 20 Aug 2011, 13:09
by Jayburd
Thanks Tiaris :) nice day today and apparently going to be 14 or so tomorrow.... then forst for the rest of the week :evil:
I won't keep them in the cage much longer.