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sick budgie

Posted: 05 Oct 2011, 19:05
by lyn2233
Hi, A few weeks back my husband put sprinkle pool chlorine on the pavers, he moved the budgies which were in a large wheely cage. When I came out the smell was so bad and saw that one of the budgies looked affected, I moved the cage far away. He kepted rubbing his beak and nostrils on the branches but looked fine later.Two weeks later I notice bleeding from the nostrils I took him to the vet and he thinks the chlorine has affected his breathing he gave me antibotics as he had moisture in his nostrils. that was 5 days ago and some days he dose not look to bad but others he has his head under his wings and he EATS all the time. I am wondering what I should do I hate to think he may be in pain or should I take him to the vet to be euthanasia. I brought them inside as it is warmer he does fly out of the cage and back in and sometimes looks okay but other times looks very sick. Any advice would be appreciated.

Re: sick budgie

Posted: 05 Oct 2011, 19:31
by jusdeb
Id ask the vet what he thinks . Cant have him suffering .I hope it works out to be a happy ending .

Re: sick budgie

Posted: 05 Oct 2011, 19:38
by lyn2233
Thanks Deb, Yeah I think I will take him back up tomorrow, he has been on the antibotics since last Wednesday. The vet said to keep him on them for 10days, will keep you posted. :eh:

Re: sick budgie

Posted: 06 Nov 2011, 16:09
by budgiebreeder
I see a month has gone by since this post and no info on fate of budgie. Important to give full course of anti-biotics when perscribed,

Re: sick budgie

Posted: 03 Dec 2011, 21:42
by lyn2233
Sorry I never got back to the fate of my budgie as I have not been on the forum for a long time. I did give it the course of antibotics but still look sick she never stopped eating. Took her back to the vet and he advised me that the kindest thing would to have her euthanasia which I did. I asked him if the other budgie would be okay in a 10 metre long aviary which has finches he said yes. I have kepted my eye on him and he seems fine and happy as it has lots of trees and grasses growing and there is lots of room. I even saw him in the bird bath the other day with a couple of finches bathing so they seem to be use to him. :D