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Leaving the nest too soon.

Posted: 19 Nov 2011, 13:04
by mattymeischke
I have heard it said that Emblemas often leave the nest a bit underdone, and that one mustn't put them back in.

No worries, but this underdone?
191111 underdone emblema.JPG
I am wondering if I should bring him inside tonight, or leave him out to be fed at dawn and dusk?
I'm always amazed how fast they develop: look at the feathers on his head a few hours later compared with the first one:
191111 a few hours later.JPG
I'm currently thinking I will leave it with it's parents.

Re: Leaving the nest too soon.

Posted: 19 Nov 2011, 13:45
by Diane
He is a bit underdone isnt he? If you dont want to try and put it back what about another nestbox with the lid open? Parents can get in and out and see the youngster easily and the little one is off the ground and in a warm safe place....till he jumps out again! :D
Generally for me its the BFPF that jump out underdone, had two pop out yesterday that could have done with an other day or so.

Re: Leaving the nest too soon.

Posted: 19 Nov 2011, 13:59
by mattymeischke
Great idea, BB; I think I'll do that.
Hope it's not cold tonight....

Re: Leaving the nest too soon.

Posted: 19 Nov 2011, 15:55
by natamambo
I've always put mine back in the nest and a few days later they reappear fully cooked. Never lost one or had the parents do anything contrary.

Re: Leaving the nest too soon.

Posted: 20 Nov 2011, 18:30
by mattymeischke
Well, he's survived one night.

I put him in the sheltered end of the aviary in a nesting box with the lid propped open, and watched 'til the parents fed him. They found him immediately and went in through the hole, but I left the lid open just in case.

I have to stay at work tonight, so am crossing my fingers that he'll be there tomorrow evening.

Re: Leaving the nest too soon.

Posted: 20 Nov 2011, 19:00
by natamambo
Had another fall one out of the nest today. Saw it happen (was in there feeding them), picked him straight up and put him back in. Mother was back in the nest soon after.

Re: Leaving the nest too soon.

Posted: 20 Nov 2011, 19:03
by mattymeischke
Good work, natamambo!

My problem with your approach in my current case was that there are two pairs with babies in nests and I wasn't sure which nest to put it in.

So far, so good, and I hope he doesn't find his way out into the rain.