
List what type of plants you keep in your aviaries/cages
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Hi All
Which type Bamboo is the best for my new aviaries.My old aviaries have giant bamboo and dont like trimming it back regularly
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If you do a search for the word bamboo it comes up with 14 pages where its mentioned.
Here a few topics that might be worth a read
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Hi Henry. I know that you've said bamboo but there many bamboo-like plants that might do the job. I've not got any idea about your climate but some bamboos may find it too cold or may be frost sensitive for your area. The main thing is never get a running bamboo ask for a clumping one or you may never get rid of it. one thing is for sure is that they all need direct sun. So-called dwarf bamboos still grow to about 3m however there are related grasses like "Baby Panda Bamboo" (Pogonatherum paniceum) that grows to only 30-50cm and would be great for for Painteds, Pictorellas Yellow Rumps or anything that takes to to low thickets of grass.
ImagePogonatherum paniceum) from e-Bay

A taller grass that might suit is Tiger Grass - (Thysanolaena maxim) which comes from tropical Asia but doesn't mind a bit of cooler weather as it thrives in the mountains and seems to do quite well here at Mount Glorious near Brisbane so it probably withstands light frosts.Image image from e-Bay

A non-grass that has the bamboo look is the Sacred Bamboo (Nandina domestica).Image image from ebay
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There are a number of fine stemmed Bamboos and Grasses(that look like Bamboo) that you can consider.
The two points you must remember is how high they grow and how far they will run.
My two choices are the Thai and Black Bamboos,both will run and both can grow to 3M+ which can be a problem.
BUT they can be harnessed to suit your aviary.You can dig a trench around the area you want the Bamboo to grow in.
You then put a circular tin barrier in the ground to a depth of if possible 600mm.An added thing is put a 50mm+ layer of
stones used when making the roads,then dirt and the plant.This should limit the spreading.
Height control is easy,when the new Bamboo shoot reaches the height you require simply pull out the very top shoot,it
will come out easily.That should stop it going through the roof.My aviaries are 2.4 m high and I can limit it below that.
Both those Bamboos are attractive and strong enough to stand the birds pressure on them.
The actual stem of the Bamboos are normally thin no more than 15 mm at the base.Finer at the top.
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Do your weavers (any?) build in these bamboos E orix?
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Is tiger grass safe for scarlets and Turks as they are in the same avairy as the finches. I would like to know if they are safe if they chew the tiger grass thanks kind regards Nate
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It should be safe for them but you shouldn't have those two species together in the same aviary as they will cross breed.
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I have Turks in their own avairy I was just quickly adding the small parrots that I have with finches. But thanks for the info about the cross breeding of Turks I did not know that they could.
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finches247 wrote: 30 Jul 2012, 14:07 Hi All
Which type Bamboo is the best for my new aviaries.My old aviaries have giant bamboo and dont like trimming it back regularly
I think is blue bamboo is the best for you...
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I think the bamboo with have taken over the aviary by now :P

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