Canary breeding

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Location: Perth, WA

I just find it interesting Finchbreeder that last year he hardly even sang and his behaviour to his long term mate showed no breeding readiness, but this year he 's looking a lot more interested. I caught him up the other day as he has one claw that always needs a trim every 6 months or so and out of interest did the blowing on the vent to see if I could see any change and he was clearly a male! With multifocal glasses it's quite difficult to focus quickly enough before the feathers move back into place usually but he was very easy to see.
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Mum has a top breeding Budgie who has been breeding on a cyclic system from the time she got him as a youngun. First season huge quantity of young. 2nd season only a couple, 3rd season off like a trouper again. 4th season you guessed it, just a few. But even allowing for this his genes are very prevalent through her whole stud. And in his off seasons he raises just as many because he is a fantastic dad and happily takes fosters from the less competent parents. Interestingly enough one of his sons is looking like following the same pattern of fertility. And most of his offspring are proving to be great parents. Budgies of course can do one or 2 seasons a year so this does not relate to years, but seasons. So some birds just don't always "come right" in some seasons. Just as some are good parents from the start and some take a season or two to figure things out.
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Joined: 27 Jun 2010, 21:02
Location: SOR Perth, WA
Location: Perth, WA

That's interesting about your mum's budgie and the different fertility rates... could be a research topic waiting there!
Will give both pairs a nest on the weekend and see what happens. Have to say though that none of them look desperate to nest. In the past the mate of the old canary would shred the lining paper and make an enormous mess and the male would be singing almost nonstop. Anyway fingers crossed.
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