Bird sale anouncement Victoria all states ???

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Taken from Face book below.

BIRD SALES in Victoria - and Australia.

On her web site “Parrot Productions” the person trying to stop bird sales makes unfounded accusations about the mental health of bird breeders and suggests that we are all only doing it for money:

Here is an excerpt from the web page:

“And I find it unbelievable that breeders, mainly males, prefer to spend time fiddling around in aviaries, rather than enjoy a mentally social life with their spouses, families and friends. It says much for the lack of emotional wellbeing of these bird sellers.

I’m sure their spouses, usually wives, will confirm this.

But it does not let spouses off the hook- they too enjoy the financial benefits of bird selling and birds making expensive babies for their shopping sprees.

Get a real job bird sellers!!! Get a job where you use your own hands and intelligence to earn a living.”


Please email Minister Jaala Pulford at
[email protected]

" I attend Bird Sales in Victoria and want them to continue."

Please share this around as many bird sites as possible. Emails need to be sent ASAP

Phone call from Mornington bird club organisers.

Non native birds can no longer be sold at bird sales in Vic. They can be taken to be displayed but any selling on the premises could occur a $4000 fine. I would expect this will have massive implications to people attending sales. This could increase internet sales to people who maynot have the skills to look after the birds they buy.

Non native birds will be in a policed area for display by sellers separate to native birds.You can take as many as you wish but cannot sell them at the sale or premisses. Organisers will look after the birds if need be if you are selling native birds.

Mornington club has been very busy at solicitors etc in the past week and had some options but felt this was the best for what had been thrown at them.

I am sure we will hear more today as information come through.
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E Orix
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I hope this is not just an extended April Fools Day joke.
Can you please confirm to me, I can not sell non Australian birds at Mornington Bird Sale or any other
Vict. Sale
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I hope to have the pamphlet from a member from the club to share this arvo. I will put it up once I have it. This is serious for anyone who wishes to sell birds in the future.Please everyone who wishes to attend sales, sell and buy birds in the future email Jaala pulford. Share this with as many people as possible to do the same.

Please email Minister Jaala Pulford at
[email protected]

" I attend Bird Sales in Victoria and want them to continue."
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How ridiculous. Does this person really believe that our birds who live their lives in large aviaries and placed into small cages for less than a day to attend a sale are worse off than her lorikeets who would spend at least 12 hours a day confined to a small indoor cage. What I find laughable is the fact that it only applies to exotics. Do our native birds not require large spaces to fly? I don't know the ins and outs of the situation but I hate when people think they know what they are talking about and really have no idea. While at the moment this does not affect me in SA it does open the flood gates and could potentially affect all states so everyone needs to get on top of this now.
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At a guess I am thinking it has to do with getting rid of all exotics out of Australia. The National Exotic Bird Registration Scheme ? ... possession

Otherwise you would think it would also apply to all birds native and non native.If this is the case one would think it would increase the possibility of exotics being released into the wild due to the fact of the new legislation.
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I just went to her Website and to her facebook site of which i cannot comment to her accusations unless i give her personal information. I cannot believe that there are so many comments regarding her pet featherless lorikeets she has.

I can see why she is talking about non native birds as she owns some pretty poor specimens of native birds,i can see that she might be of American heritage as the " Mill " comment was made and this is not an Australian word used here for mass production.

I have emailed my concerns to Jaala Pulford.

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I’ve just done a bit of research to understand the Victorian issue based on a brief discussion with David Renshaw (MPAS President) and others.

What follows is my personal interpretation of the legal argument.

The issue revolves around s96 of the Vic. Domestic Animals Act.
DOMESTIC ANIMALS ACT 1994 - SECT 96 ... 3/s96.html
A ruling was sought and birds are currently deemed to be Domestic Animals for the purposes of the above s96 . This means (under 96(b) above) birds may be sold at sales approved under the Vic. Wildlife Act.

A list of Victorian bird sales (including the MPAS sale) have been specifically approved under the Vic. Wildlife Act as required under regulation 39(b) of the Vic. Wildlife Act below.
WILDLIFE REGULATIONS 2013 - REG 39 ... 2/s39.html

So all seems in order. What then is the issue?

The Victorian Wildlife Act relates to native birds whilst the Victorian Domestic Animals Act applies to all caged birds. Hence this is where the contentious issue with exotic species arises. The sale is approved under an Act with jurisdiction over natives only. Unfortunately these acts are administered by two different departments, led by two different ministers.

Local council are responsible for compliance with the Domestic Animals Act and I understand they have been instructed to attend and act on breaches. Sellers could potentially be issued notices resulting in fines of 30 penalty units – in excess of $4000.

I believe all due to a single individual, Paris Yves. One must acknowledge she is doing a terrific job of progressing her cause!

What a mess…
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Skye Bird Sale – 31st May 2015
To All Patrons
Due to circumstances beyond our control,
All NON-Native birds (exotics) are not able to be sold at bird sales in Victoria. This includes birds such as Canaries, Kakariki’s, Indian Ringneck’s, Fire finches, Cuban finches etc. Any bird that is not native to Australia.
The Domestic Animals Act 1994 (Vic)There is a piece of legislation from 1994 that forbids the trading of domestic animals outside of private homes and registered business’ (e.g. pet shops)s which has miraculously been recently brought to the our attention via the Domestic Animals Branch (“DAB”) of the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources of the Department of agriculture on Tuesday this week. The DAB have advised Frankston City Council of this position and the need to enforce same. The trading of native birds at bird sales is quite legal and is approved annually by the DEWPLPI. They were informed by the dept of Agriculture on Tuesday, who then advised the VAC immediately.
Our society (MPAS Iinc) and The VAC have employed lawyers who specialise in government legislation to try to get this sorted before our sale, but unfortunately they have not been able to do so.
Therefore, we are only able to offer the bird sellers the facility to trade native birds this year. We are, however, able to allow foreign non native/exoticbirds to be displayed, but not sold. There is a display of these birds on the North wall of the building behind barrier netting., The cages are all numbered and if anyone is interested in purchasing these birds at a later date, we have provided the facility to leave your details with us to hand on to the owner of the birds who will contact you after the event.
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And this is her personal page. ... k=timeline

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