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Shane Gowland
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Hi all,

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to recover the existing AFF Facebook page, so we've had to create a new one.

If you're on Facebook, please show your support by Liking us and telling your finch-keeping friends to like us too!

Click here -> Aussie Finch Forum on Facebook
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Location: Midwest of West.Aust.Coast

Facebook = The dark side
Not my thing.
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This usually isnt my thing either,but had to do it for the trip to the US,and it has opened up a whole new world,searched cinnamon gouldians and found an aussie site where members tell untruths and put pictures up of birds that are clearly not cinnamon ,maybe splits at best.some comment on things that have been said in private conversations ,how do they possibly know what was said?,just total fabrication,i agree with you finchbreeder it is the dark side,garyh
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I had the same mind thoughts of both of you but i am a member of multiple pages here in Australia and International sites just on finches as well as on AFF. The more information you can obtain the better for your breeding experiences imo.
Forget the dirty FB pages of personal profiles where everyone runs each other down IT IS NOT LIKE THAT on finch and other bird pages that are run by Administrators and Moderators just like here and are kept clean and orderly just like here. OF all the members that i Know that contribute here on AFF they also contribute on FB finch pages so they are receiving the information from both Worlds of social media.
I urge you to make a FB profile for not only joining AFFs FB page but to become a contributor and a learner about our finches from breeders all around the World.
Please be aware, i am not putting AFF down as we will still be required to be part of the Social media explosion for hungry information on the birds we keep as well as what is happening with our/your local & State and Federal Government laws on our hobby as there are a lot of nutters out there that would love to take us down so that we don't keep any animals at all.
I can't make you join but in my honest opinion it is at your loss Craig
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Location: Montrose, Victoria

Hi Craig,i joined a forum that i see you are on,as always you are very informative but some of the posts from other members leave me totally baffled,nothing to do with the welfare or breeding of finches but more of what was said or supposedly said to someone ,its just all made up rubbish and very untruthful,i do see the good side though as the more i read the more i learn ,i guess you keep the good stuff and discard the rubbish,cheers garyh
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My opinion remains similar to yours Garyh but find the only way to move forward is to keep up with the so called "social media" platform.
My own site is closed to who I want to see and I only put up spasmodic photos of my veges or something insignificant. Do not even allow my birthday to be announced etc.
By having my own site I can be on the Zebbie sites from across Oz and learn a lot. The WA Zebra Finch Society site has 108 members. We have 3 admin/ moderators and can remove any post or person if required. So far in approx half a year we have not had to interfere. There have been positive and intelligent submissions of photos and questions or answers and general information. This came out during the recent Fed Show in Cranbourne Vic
when we could send progress reports through easily and to multiple people in one operation. This helps stimulate interest.

As I was once told " if you stand still on the road long enough, you will become part of it."
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