Ageing fertility.

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Hello all,
I am after some advice regarding finches ageing and their fertility. We all know that as they age they become less productive but does anyone know whether it’s mainly the cock or hen that losses their fertility quicker?
Cheers and have a great Christmas and New Year everyone.
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It is we ladies who cease to reproduce sooner than you gentlemen, regardless of if we are human or feathered. Thought there is always the exception.
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It's so different with many species. I know blue caps start to fail at around 3 years maybe a little more, mostly being the cock birds fault so if you see very dark blue coloured cock birds for sale it's generally because they have become infertile.
Most of the foreign finches follow suit.
Australian finches can go for 5 years or more and slowly become infertile after that in both cocks and hens in my experience.
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Thanks for the feedback guys. I have some RFPF’s that might need a spell.
Cheers, Deegs.
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Maybe that is why my best Red Zeb cock is slowing down. He is 6 going on 7 Yes Red Zebs colour deepens and spreads a little as they age.
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Recently had two pair Red Face Pytillias breed after I had turned them out because they were too old to sell or breed
Pytillias imo need some live food all the time so I put them into soft bill aviaries not a geriatric finch cage where they would not get live food
I pair hen home bred 7 years old cock 4 +obtained Orange BS 4 years ago as “mature” have reared 2
Pair 2 both home bred hen 6 cock 5 after 4-5 infertile nests bought out 3 this week
I guess your never too old
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Mature birds = it's not always that they stop breeding - it is sometimes that they breed more erratically. But that can vary - because like us - it is genetic. Some families have high fertility and some low. The high ones survive because of their fertility. But the more visually impressive can survive despite low fertility because we like what we see and put extra effort in.
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