Red Capped Robins

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Got back from Perth on the 10th of September to a red capped robin attempting to build a nest to no avail. I would supply cobweb, she would put in where she was hoping to nest only to have the rain wash it away.

After four night of rain and consequently nest building failure, I decided to make a wire basket which would fit over the branches that she was trying to build in. Filled the basket with coconut fibre, made a divot in the middle and gave here more cobweb which she duly used to line the "nest".

A week later 3 eggs and 13 days after that a chick followed by another the next day. Took this picture this morning at 6 days of age:
red_capped_robin (Small).JPG
Interesting points so far have been:-

Mum shields the chicks from the direct hot sun by standing in/on the nest with her wings fanned out.

After feeding (usually a cricket or a white skin mealworm) the adult bird often fly of with a turd sack, dumps it away from the nest and is back to the feedbowl for another snack for the chicks. All this happens while I am less than a metre away from the nest.
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Good Job Gaz. Always thinking
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Congrats Well Done :thumbup:
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Well done Gary, :thumbup: Craig
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Congrats Gary!! :D

Birdwatcher and finch-keeper.

Feel free to check out my photos here:
And my birding antics here:
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Awesome Gary. Great result thus far.

Cheers Case, Tauranga, New Zealand.
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Great job- well done.
Coincidence, but I was at a softbill breeder's place on Saturday and he had just fledged some too - for the first time if I recall correctly.
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E Orix
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I found them the most trusting parents and possibly the easiest to breed of the Aust. Robins.
They can be so predictable nesting in the same spot and similar start to the breeding season each year.
But the cockbirds do not like any other cockbirds near. I found they will fight constantly through the wire if you have
pairs in adjoining aviaries. But well worth the effort of keeping them.
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Congrats Gary,
Knowing you and your breeding skill they'll be on the perch in no time.
Hows the weather been over there? I've come back from holidays a got told we have had a record september rain fall for the month.
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I think I can remember reading an article that you wrote (Australian Avicutlure) many moons ago.

Having them nest in the location that they have has meant I have a great view of the goings on. Just this morning both the parents were sitting together on the edge of the nest as if admiring the chicks.

Loz - hope you come back from the honeymoon still married. Weathers been pretty good, with today predicted to top 36 with a cool change to come. Few lots of lesssers out too!
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