Seeding grasses

List what type of plants you keep in your aviaries/cages
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Most panics will drop off in seed production over the cooler months as they dislike our winter climate , however they will continue to produce enough seed to supplement the winter grasses .
A good tip to maximise yields is to move your pots around during the seasons (if so practicable)
I move mine to the southern side of the yard April - August for greater periods of direct sunlight and to the north in August -March to protect from the brutal summer sun .
Using this method I find it definitely prolongs the seed cycle , then come late July cut it right back to about 5 inches above the pot and prepare for spring with fertilizer .
This season alone out of just 4 pots I have stocked my freezer and at the moment have enough fresh on the stalk for around 30 heads per day .... my diamonds live on the stuff !
Another handy winter yield is the veldt oats .
Theres a few different types around , most common is the red variety you see in reserves and on verges and the other has a forked head with purplish red segments where the leaves branch out .
I personally do not collect grass seeds from the wild but if you get in at the right time you can harvest tonnes from places very close to the city .... but wash it thoroughly !!
Or do as I have and relocate the entire plant into a pot in your backyard .... these guys are tricky to please though but once you get the hang of it you will have your own top quality grasses free of wild bird contaminants , pesticides ergot and what not .
If you're interested in any different grass types feel free to pm me ... I have a fairly good variety of both summer growing grasses , winter grasses , feed stock and nesting material .
Cheers ,
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What a difference a year makes, the green panic mentioned in this post has exploded over summer and is covered with dozens of seeding heads.


All of the seeding heads are full of seed as shown in the picture.
This photo was taken a month ago and it has continued to produce through the hot weather.

This plant is growing in the same pot as last year, but I suspect its roots are through the pot into the ground below.
It is in a much sunnier position, getting full afternoon sun, and has been feed some fertiliser (nothing special)
Does this seed freeze well, I am going to have to do something with it as the few birds I have can't keep up :P

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Yes it does freeze well, but I'd wait until its fully opened & you can feel the weight of full kernels within before picking.
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