when to clear nest out

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The young have been leaving, returning to the nest for several days now, and they roost in their at night as well. When can I safely give the nestbox and clean-out, and reline with material? It's pretty gross in there, from what I can see with my torch. The male looks keen to mate again as well, and there has been an egg laid in their seed. This is their first successful nest this season, so with any luck I may get another nest out of them. I just dont want to mess things-up for the fledglings, by cleaning-out the nest.
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There shouldn't be an issue cleaning the box out now. If your not careful they will re-lay before you do it.

How many did they fledge?

Cheers Ian
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iaos wrote:There shouldn't be an issue cleaning the box out now. If your not careful they will re-lay before you do it.

How many did they fledge?

Cheers Ian
Thanks Ian, only 2 birds from this nest....not a great result, but I am pretty happy just have bred some Gouldians :) Thanks for the advice, I will cleanout the box tomorrow.
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I would be interested in other peoples replies, but I don't clean out my nest box until the end of the breeding season (when they are removed, then cleaned).
I will take out infertile eggs and any dead chicks, but only after the live chicks have left the nest. I also think the dried poo makes good insulation.

I once had a bad experience when I removed infertile eggs while the chicks were in the nest, and the chicks died. Not 100% if this was the cause but didn't want to test my theory again.
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Hi Bob,

Sometimes it depends on the nest. If it's a fuller clutch and there is humidity the nest can start to get a bit funky.

I don't remove infertile eggs until the chicks have fledged.

Cheers Ian
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Play it by eye here. Only check the nests a couple of times. 1st when I think they are nesting to see how many eggs they have laid, 2nd when I hear peeping to see how many have hatched. Then lastly once they 1st fledge to see if nest needs a revamp.
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cleaned out the nest, re-packed it, and the fledglings wouldnt go back in. They peep in, but stay with their parents nite, and day. but haven't suffered at all.
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