Ruddies left nest

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My pair of ruddies, seemed to have a clutch as they were alternating incubation in the nest box,for about 2 weeks. Although in the last couple of days they haven't been in there as much. Does that mean they've abandoned the nest for some reason? or do the stop being in there so much after the eggs hatch?

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Isienfier wrote:My pair of ruddies, seemed to have a clutch as they were alternating incubation in the nest box,for about 2 weeks. Although in the last couple of days they haven't been in there as much. Does that mean they've abandoned the nest for some reason? or do the stop being in there so much after the eggs hatch?

If they have young in the nest they should be around 12 days old so they would be able to keep each other warm enough during the day so the parents would only brood them a night,give them another week and they should fledge. Craig
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