Does my canary need a multi vitamin - and other questions

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Or any supplements?

Also is there a particular brand of seed that is good?

Should I give him egg biscuit - if so how often - thanks!!
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If you have one only male canary? Egg and biscuit is a baby feeding requirement so no. If you have a pair with young? Then yes to the egg and biscuit. I find fresh seeding grass heads
much better than any artificial vitamins. But that is just me.
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I feed my canaries a multi vitamin for 1 week each month more as a precaution, as my birds do not get regular sunshine being housed in my garage. They occasionally get wheeled out on the weekend for a bath in the sunshine. For the rest of the month I provide fresh clean water.

I feed them canary seed each day, and tonic seed twice a week. They get a leaf of pak choy (chinese spinach) twice a week.

I feed my birds eggfood for the breeding season prior to laying eggs, whilst they have chicks and for a month after they finish breeding. You could give your bird part of your hard boiled egg, rather than a whole egg. Do not leave the egg in any longer than 1 day. This begins in July each year, my birds commence breeding mid September and usually finish by late December. I keep feeding eggfood until late February, and the chicks commence eating seed.

Usually as long as they have seed, water and occasional greens in a clean dry cage, they will remain healthy.
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Thanks for the replies.

Yes one male canary, but in a similair situation as canary, in that he is inside when I am not home- so only out on the weekends. And by out he is still under a roof so not much sun exposure.

I have had him only for a week or so, tried a bath in there yesterday and didn't see him use it, but will try again today.

I may pick up a muilti today just to have. He would be moulting now/soon?
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