Greens and Grain

For all your questions about diet and food for your finches
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I just finished my first 20kg of greens and grain and I must say the birds did go to town on it but I had a few issues with the batch I got. Is it common to get a lot of debree in the mix? There seemed to be allot of matter that would settle to the bottom of seed hoppers and would clog up and stop new seed from coming through. I can't say that I have had any issues with other finch mixes thus far. Should it be screened prior to use? Should I mix it with standard finch mix so it flows better? I found myself turfing a fair amount every time I refreshed seed.

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Davo2 wrote:I just finished my first 20kg of greens and grain and I must say the birds did go to town on it but I had a few issues with the batch I got. Is it common to get a lot of debree in the mix? There seemed to be allot of matter that would settle to the bottom of seed hoppers and would clog up and stop new seed from coming through. I can't say that I have had any issues with other finch mixes thus far. Should it be screened prior to use? Should I mix it with standard finch mix so it flows better? I found myself turfing a fair amount every time I refreshed seed.

Hi Ron,G&G is a wild seed mix,not a commercial seed mix that has been cropped and cleaned so expect to have some debris.It is a supplement seed,meaning it is to be fed out separately in open dishes and replaced when needed.Not a good idea to mix or feed out in a seed hopper as it will block it. Craig
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