FSA Presentations on YouTube

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My presentation at April FSA meeting is now up on YouTube. Looks at my planted aviary with a focus on gadgets. See the first post in this thread...
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April 2015 Canberra Finch Club meeting with David Holmes presenting is now up on YouTube. See first post in this thread.
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Hi SamDavis,
Firstly I would like to say I really enjoy the videos :thumbup:. I have learnt a lot from them and hope they continue.

I would like to just make one request please I mean no offence to anyone – could the person recording the presentation focus on the slides and record less of the presenter. I really enjoyed the tour of your planted aviary but most of the video was of you and a blurred screen. As I was unable to see the power point screen often when things in the aviary would be pointed out they were missed as I could not see them. If they could focus more on the slides I would have been able to see what you were talking about. I have only watched half of the “April 2015 Canberra Finch Club meeting with David Holmes” but it is much better focused and you can really see what David is talking about.

Like I said I mean no offence to anyone. I really enjoy the content and find it very educational but wish I could see more of the actual presentation. Please keep making them.
Luke Hancock
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Hancock wrote:Hi SamDavis,
Firstly I would like to say I really enjoy the videos :thumbup:. I have learnt a lot from them and hope they continue.

I would like to just make one request please I mean no offence to anyone – could the person recording the presentation focus on the slides and record less of the presenter. I really enjoyed the tour of your planted aviary but most of the video was of you and a blurred screen. As I was unable to see the power point screen often when things in the aviary would be pointed out they were missed as I could not see them. If they could focus more on the slides I would have been able to see what you were talking about. I have only watched half of the “April 2015 Canberra Finch Club meeting with David Holmes” but it is much better focused and you can really see what David is talking about.

Like I said I mean no offence to anyone. I really enjoy the content and find it very educational but wish I could see more of the actual presentation. Please keep making them.
Luke Hancock
Sorry Luke, I missed your comment previously. Thanks for the thanks. I edit the videos after the fact to include the actual slides or video used by the presenter (when it is available). Obviously I know essentially nothing about the art of video editing so all input/comments are welcomed.

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Presentations from May 2015 FSA meeting by PhD students Peri Bolton (Gouldians) and Stanley Tang (Black-throats) are now up on YouTube. See first post in this thread for links...
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June 2015 presentations on Diamonds and Bengos by VP Jason Holmes (AKA Finchman1) are up and running. Again, see first post in thread...
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Thanks for sharing! :P :thumbup:
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brilliant :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :thumbup:
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September 2015 meeting presentation on Breeding Crickets by John Martin is almost uploaded - see first post in thread.
August 2015 presentation by Russell Kingston will be uploaded once Russell has finished delivering the presentation to a few more clubs.
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Any advance on RK's presentation . .
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