Black Ants

Is your finch sick or not well? Find out why.
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Just having a look at the aviaries and noticed a couple of black ants around a nest box. Went in to have a closer look and moved the box to find a little colony of them and in the nest box were 4 tri-coloured parrot finch chicks probably less than a day old. I swept off as many ants as I could and placed the nest box back on top of a bed of Demetrius earth but I want a quick fix to kill the ants before they feast on the chicks, any suggestions would be appreciated.

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Have a look in the morning and see if you can see where the ants are coming from.They will either be coming from outside the aviary or have a nest inside.I have found that the product Antrid,which can be bought from the hardware store or supermarket works really well on small ,black ants.Look for their trail [outside] leading into the aviary and place some Antrid [outside]in a small plastic cap and dribble some over the side as well,where their trail goes into the aviary.They will readily take this and your problem solved within a day or two.Do not put it inside your aviary.
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Just coopex the outside of the box and the area around and under the box. Find the trail to the nests and nuke it with coopex. If it is outside give it a try with Talon Ant Gel. Does the trick for me.

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