cubans not breeding

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hi I sourced 3 pr of Cubans from three different sources all claimed the birds were less then a yr old I mixed and matched as best I could and housed each pair in a large aviary. pr 1 has its second clutch on the perch for a total of 6 young . pr 2 nothing pr 3nothing. I placed pr 3 in a 7+2+2.4 aviary on their own hoping that would get them going, they built a nest and that was about a month ago.The birds receive live food heaps of nesting mat'l.
So my guess is the birds aren't compatible, are to old . are to young . I believe their environment is fine as the pair that's breeding have similar conditions. I'm tempted to swap the cocks around, but if they are to young it could be they just need more time. I know gouldians will start breeding even before they color up, but how old do Cubans need to be? Any advice would be appreciated. john
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From what I have read over the years Cubans best breeding yrs are 2 to 5yrs. ..and a well planted aviary. ...all my aviaries have had living plants in them...cubans always bred well when I had them...maybe try separation for a little while? :thumbup:
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Hah, just did a long post and it disappeared :( Cubans are very good at building nests then pulling apart and building else where, it's very frustrating as it can go on for months. Once they find the right spot they generally settle and breed well. I found they loved pampas grass plumes pulled to bits for nesting material and it seemed to spur them on. Good luck. Craig
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vettepilot_6 wrote: 20 Nov 2017, 08:19 From what I have read over the years Cubans best breeding yrs are 2 to 5yrs. ..and a well planted aviary. ...all my aviaries have had living plants in them...cubans always bred well when I had them...maybe try separation for a little while? :thumbup:
I'm inclined to agree Dave, that's what I'd do :thumbup:
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Craig52 wrote: 20 Nov 2017, 08:33 Hah, just did a long post and it disappeared :( Cubans are very good at building nests then pulling apart and building else where, it's very frustrating as it can go on for months. Once they find the right spot they generally settle and breed well. I found they loved pampas grass plumes pulled to bits for nesting material and it seemed to spur them on. Good luck. Craig
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From what I have read over the years Cubans best breeding yrs are 2 to 5yrs.
so given they may not be one yet. I'll wait . 1 pr is housed with my blue wrens the two cocks occasionally have a little spat but generally seem good. The wrens have bred.
thanks for the replies.
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shnapper20 wrote: 20 Nov 2017, 09:41
From what I have read over the years Cubans best breeding yrs are 2 to 5yrs.
so given they may not be one yet. I'll wait . 1 pr is housed with my blue wrens the two cocks occasionally have a little spat but generally seem good. The wrens have bred.
thanks for the replies.
Don't give up on em shnapper as I'd keep em and just simply try them next breeding season as they'll then be more at a sensible and realistic age for breeding :thumbup:

Be lucky
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