Nesting grass

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Swamp grass is now very expensive in S.A. I would like to grow my own nesting grass. What seed variety can I readily purchase?

I have found very cheap feed seed available on ebay. So far I have grown Silver Beet, Endive, Kale & Lomandra from very cheap seed bought on ebay. This has been so successful that I would now like to grow my own nesting material.

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It may be worth posting the species that you want the nesting grass for. Some species will use pretty well anything, but others are quite discerning.
All of my birds make use of Swamp/November grass to some extent and some are largely happy with dried out short lengths of seeding grass heads (Panic / Newcastle grass) and use little else. I have seen plenty of recommendations for Couch runners but have not used them. I also provide some coconut fibre that gets some use, and 50-60mm lengths of dissembled hessian. You can cut and dry any local (unsprayed) fine grass and experiment with it...the birds will either use it or ignore it. You can speed up the drying process with diligent use of the microwave oven (watch this process carefully)... if the grass catches fire, wind back the time and/or power. If you provide a few alternatives then you do not have to rely on one particular source..... you can make a little Swamp grass go a long way.

If you are particularly keen to grow your own, I'm sure your post will attract a lot more useful comment.
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in winter collect a heap of wild oat seed and grow that, plus any other native grass seeds that appear.

In addition to winter grasses, grow finch, canary, budgie seed and any other small seeds you can get. When the seed heads are green you cut the stalks off at the base (ground level) and feed them to the birds and they eat the green seed and use the stalks for their nests.

grow your own and never have to buy it again :)
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I use couch runners, cut to managable lengths where necessary. Wild oats and other seeding grasses which grow in my yard, some need cutting to size some do not. Experiment like the guys have said. Good luck. :thumbup:
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Hi Dave,
My birds will take any grasses, as long as they are pliable and not too stiff.
I also use swamp grass, and yes it is expensive for what it is (Rubbish !)
What I tend to do, is use a lesser quality grass at the base, usually dried Johnson
grass, then cover this with swamp grass. I offer the swamp grass, along with other
nesting material to the birds, in a tray on the floor of my aviaries. What my birds
also love to use is hessian, which I cut up into 120mm squares and pull apart.

Lots of good native grasses up my way. Just have to be sure that herbicides haven't
been used to kill off the grasses.

If you want some, let me know and I'll tell you were to get it.
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