The truth about the Cinnamon Mutation in Gouldian finche

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Guys, does it really matter who bred the bird/birds. Arguing does not help friendships with fellow breeders, just get into breeding stocks up and learn their mode of inheritance to let others enjoy the outcome.
Be very careful giving information to the guy that is writing the book,i know he enjoys putting others up against each other as it has happened to me multiple times. He is ringing around getting information from a lot of breeders that breed Native Australian finches but there wont be too many acknowledgments. Imo, just ring the guy and supply all of your names as a group.
The same scenario happened with the lime backed bird which also ended in disaster with one of our members leaving AFF as a result. Be happy that we have a new mutation to play with that they also have oversea's. Craig :?
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Hi everyone

Graigs right regarding a new mutation should be enjoyed. Yesterday I wanted to post the question what was so different about these new birds but felt I was questioning the substance of the post

Gentleman of 2003 says to Tony there is something in Alan's birds
Alan describes the birds to Tony as a bad batch of dilutes which nobody wants to buy even after dropping the price . Irony is they now sell for $1600-1800 each .

Gary'h say unusual coloured bird came from a split blue cock.

When something different fledge in all our cages our first thought is , is this new, now we have a few people who can share their experience of a new mutation as it showed up 3 times in different locations from related birds
Really the question in my mind is the first birds bred , how different were they, how obvious was the difference or was it just a slight shade here or there, a spot of brown in the bib or where they diluted all over and just stood out as different.

New mutations don't happen often or to everyone
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Location: Midwest of West.Aust.Coast

It is good that the mutation is out there, and in several locations. Cause that probably means you guys have been outcrossing to different stock. Which will make the mutation stronger. Win Win. Good on you all for your efforts.
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Hi Tass,the bird is way different in colour ,there is a lot of other posts on the forum about my cinnamon birds,the bird didn't show up in 3 different aviaries,but in 2 that im aware of Alans years ago and died out,mine that i started breeding about 8 years ago and i have heard another breeder in WA named Andrew might have them but this has not been confirmed to me,cheers garyh
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Hi Gary , the 2003 gentleman who said to Tony there’s something in Alan’s birds must have bred something to know that , he may have not liked it and discarded them
I’ll look up previous post , just curious on how noticeable a change were
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For some people it is the appearance of the bird that decides if it is kept and bred or ignored. For others it is the genetic challenge. Both are good things, but it does mean that from time to time a mutation will arrise and "sit" because it is not attractive to whoever has it. These mutations sometimes die out, and are sometimes picked up by those into genetics and get developed.
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mr skeeter
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hey gary i have seen your birds in the aviaries they look fantastic pal its a credit to you with all the hard work you put in to the breeding of all your birds, just enjoy what your doing as craig has said and don't let anything upset what your doing. cheers mick.
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Many years ago I read where a top professional golfer said - if you play for the $ then it usually does not come. If you play for the game and work hard and enjoy what you do the wins come and then so does the $.
I approach my birds the same way. I follow the hobby for enjoyment and my health. If results come in the show ring and some extra bonus above the normal price that is just cause for an extra smile.
Enjoy fellas.
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mr skeeter
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very well put muzza
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E Orix
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It is sad when friends fall out especially over miss communication or difference of opinion.
To establish a new mutation those involved need as much cooperation as possible instead of
having conflict (which will only get worst over time) get together and bury the hatchet then all will
be better off including the birds. Life is to short for unrest.
David Holmes
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