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I was sent this link about a hummingbird.

"This is an amazing true story about a baby hummingbird that was found on a sidewalk. He couldn't fly, so I took him under my wing. At night, he would come home to our house for safety. During the day, he was in the backyard of the house near where I found him. About 4 days after finding him, I was holding him in my cupped hands when his mama came by to feed him. She had seen me around, I guess, because she just flew over, perched on my hands and then fed him. This happened a number of times, so I called a friend who is good with a video camera, and he came over to film some of the amazing goings on that I had told him about.

There's a lot more to this story, but that's enough info to give you some context for the video that was posted to YouTube."
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Wow! Seems what this fledgling needed most was a protector from potential predators, while it's wing healed. Cause it already had a mum who's maternal instinct was not going to be put off by a little thing like humans.
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Cool video. Hummers are such fantastic living jewels. I remember a cabinet of stuffed jewels at the "old" Australian Museum in College St in Sydney as a kid and being mesmerised by thier beauty - how great to be able to handle one like that - certainly can't do that with any of my finches.
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