Feather follicle condition

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Looks like scaly face. Definately not something I have ever treated with disinfectant. But when birds have this it is necessary to clean all perches and avairy walls with disinfectant to stop reinfection. Sounds like a case of crossed wires to me. The birds themselves are very carefully cleaned on the scaly patches with a mix of Detol and cooking oil daily for as long as it takes to clear up. Be very careful not to get the mix in their eyes.
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They all look in good condition to me even though they are going through the moult which is supposed to be happening now.
The cock bird on the right with the green ring maybe the oldest bird there and is expected to look a bit shabby because of its age but in saying that he still has to begin his moult.
Stop spraying as you might be stressing them out and give a good finch seed, seeding grasses and clean fresh water as well as plenty of direct sunshine and cuttlebone or microwaved chicken egg shells that are cooked for at least 90 seconds to kill any bacteria.
I'm sure they will come through that clean and healthy but it will happen yearly in all gouldians at this time of the year.
Last of all, don't stress them as the moult can cause enough stress on them and by the looks of stress on you as well.
Cheers Craig
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It looks like scaley face, agreed with finch Breeder
Buy a product called 'Vetafarm Avimec'
It has a picture of a budgie on the front and it says it's for budgies, but if you use it as only 1 drop per bird on a bare patch of skin (e.g. Parted feathers on chest or under the wing), it is extremely effective and it works very well for finches with scaley face and air sac mite, I use it when I need it, and it is absolutely fantastic
You can buy it from your local pet store
Use it 3 times per week for 7 weeks and see if there is any improvement ( just remember they still will look pretty crappy because of the moult but the scaley looking face should improve)
Noah Till
Downs Bird Breeders Association and Queensland Finch Society Member
2018 Australian Birdkeepers Magazine Young Birdkeeper
Javan Munia, Black Rumped Double bar and Aberdeen Breeding Project
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Okay then, I bought the avimec .so tomorrow I shall apply it, and fingers crossed
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Of the eleven birds pictured, only one (bottom right) looks any worse than about twenty of the Gouldians currently in my aviary. That bird may be old or may have been absent when the good genes were handed out.
Avid student of Estrildids in aviculture.
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paul1966 wrote: 27 Oct 2019, 16:10 Okay then, I bought the avimec .so tomorrow I shall apply it, and fingers crossed
Paul, don't do anything leave them alone till they all moult out. As starman and myself said they are just moulting out and that cock bird will moult to his splendor in due time,that dry patch on his head is absolutely normal when feathers are absent but if they don't return after the moult it's an old age thing.
Filling them with drugs when they don't need it just makes weak birds.

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Take Craigs and Starmans advice. Leave everything till after the moult. Then you will know 100% one way or the other if this is just the moult. And you will have the necessary treatment on hand if it is not. Also lets the birds get through the moult without anything else happening to stress them. Meantime give them lots of greens to make them happy while moulting. Enjoy your finches.
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Okay guys, will hold of on treating the birds , yes I will wait until they finish there moulting. Many thanks with your advice I really appreciate that.....paul
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