Awesome! Must see!

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Hey guys this doesn't really have much to do with finches however it is very very interesting.
If you have spare time you should definitely watch it, it will definitely change the way you think about the earth and humanity.
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Ive just finished watching the video. Cinematography is brilliant, as is the topic.

The more I think about the human race the more I think we are becoming like a virus on the planet, some of the clips even made us look like that. I think the Earth might be starting to release its antibodies.
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I only watched the first 10 minutes (slow internet here) and it's damned depressing because it's true. I work for the International Rice Research Institute and recently we celebrated it's 50th anniversary. We learned that back in 1960 the founders believed that in 50 years there would be no need for the Institute because the problem of the world's starving millions would have been solved. IRRI delivered it's miracle within ten years the productivity of rice production was doubled and the spectre of wide-spread famine in Asia was banished. What a wasted miracle; rather than giving the world the means to banish starvation forever humanity used the extra food to double the population and in relative terms we are no better off than when we stared and in absolute terms there are twice as many people at risk as was the case in 1960! With all the progress only the Pope might think that there is twice as much goodness in the world just because there is double the population. As I sit here I am thinking of the movie Avatar in which the lead character implores a sentient alien ecosystem to stop the invasion of humans because they had already “killed their mother (Earth)” and spread their plague to Pandora (the human name for the plant where the movie is set)..
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Human beings refer to any creature or plant that spreads accross and takes over eco systems as a plague. Accept when the creature is human. The earth is suffering from a plague of human beings. Most plague creatures destroy eco systems then when they run out of food, themselves. As we are supposedly intelagent, can we buck the trend? Lets hope so.
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Well havent we outsmarted ourselves yet again. Bloody useless species we are arent we ...We destroy what we cant control , or what we dont understand . We are greedy , insatiable and ignorant .
AVATAR was awesome and did make me think too. Im not going to watch the video coz I dont need reminding how stoopid we can be . Heaven help the next generations .

:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( : :( :( :( :( :( :(
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Obviously I need to watch Avatar. :roll: My kids have seen it and were impressed but am seriously failing to support the movie industry as I haven't been to the movies in over a year.
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