Zebras: Can they imitate other sex?

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I have 2 female zebras both definitely female as they both lay eggs!

The “dominant” one of them is the one that grooms the other a lot more and also sings. I’ve heard that only the males sing, females beep.

Is it possible that in lieu of a male, she has taken a male role? I’ve also heard that male songs are inspired by their fathers and she hasn’t been around a male since hatchery.
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Location: Midwest of West.Aust.Coast

The females have a "lesser" song. In some hens it seems a bit more than in others. Perhaps you just have one that is a bit of a singer? Have on rare occassions noticed one or other of my hens do a "bit more" of a song. I have lots of cocks to keep them from needing to be other than female.
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