Red headed parrotfinch x gouldian

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Good luck for the intro when he comes out of Quarantine.

They can hear and see themselves already - the female does notice him (he is not a good singer, not melodious at all. He is young, and I believe he was fostered by bengalese finch.) but keeps her duty at the nest. So does her befriended seagreen.
These two seem to be quite good 'parents'. Not easily confunded.

Here we go again!

The new male gouldian - a handsome redhead - is not fond of the female, neither is she for that matter.

She went into moulting now while he was busy furnishing all nests there are in the aviary. Secretly the seagreen was stealing from all nests.

Two weeks ago, both began filling one nest together, and they are sitting now. Now I'm sure the seagreen is a female (or is she not?!)

Seems like my birds have their own ideas about love and happyness!
Last edited by Grautier on 02 Aug 2021, 23:42, edited 1 time in total.
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Do you have somewhere you can move the Parrotfinch to when the gouldian hen finishes moulting? So that the gouldians can concentrate on each other without the "best friend" getting in the way?

That would be an idea. I never thought the male gouldian would bother to have a second look for the seagreen PF, than too I was happy both 'green' ones left the moulting hen alone in a quite heavy moult. I suspect she had mites, too, and gave her a treatment and now all goes quick and smooth as it should.
I am to blame. This was the first winter for the big outdoor aviary, for me at this place and for all birds and it was a rather cold and rainy winter and sping. I've learned that gouldians are prone to resent temperatures below 16⁰C and can and do fall ill while other birds - Plumheaded, Owl finch - get along quite well.
For next winter this problem is solved as there will be a contiguous greenhouse giving shelter and warmth on one side of the aviary.
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Your SG is definitely a hen so buy a sg cock bird for her.

Yes ... if only that would be as easy to do over here!
When I spotted the seagreen I bought it - and it had been years that I had not seen one. As soon as I can find a male, I 'll get it.
My aim had been a tricolor/forbes pair - forget it. Now, with a seagreen of my own, even if I'd come across a forbes pair, I wouldn't purchase it.
Just being patient ... some day, hopefully as long as the hen is young, I'll get a male.
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Location: Midwest of West.Aust.Coast

You have - in theory - the option of a Seagreen or a normal red head mate for her. Don't know if one is easier to get than the other where you are.

Yes, I wouldn't mind either a bluegreen or a red head as mate, as long as I have the opportunity to get one.
Mostly I got my birds asking at pet shops if they knew a breeder who would sell a spare bird. Sometimes you are lucky. This seems all quite secretive to me, even though all birds are close-banded and can proof membership of the breeder to a federated bird association. And the prices are relatively modest, one can't earn a living from selling birds here.
But you won't find anything but canaries, zebs, gouldians and little more in pet shops.
No idea why.
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