Is this Scaly Mites or something worse?

Is your finch sick or not well? Find out why.
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Hi forum,

I recently acquired some gorgeous Gouldian Finches and they've been fine for the past few months. However, I've since come across 9 of them suffering with what I believe is Scaly Mites. I've been treating with Avimec on the affected areas and I'm currently on day three of treatment (I'm waiting to get some Moxi plus in the mail) but I've noticed something that has me seriously worrying. Some Gouldians are going bald in the spots where I was applying the treatment which to me doesn't seem right. I'm terrified I've made whatever this is worse. I've included photos of the worst one of the lot of them.

As I know it will be asked, their diet is avigrain finch seed, a few leaves of greens, soaked sprouts tossed with Naturally for Birds powder. They also have access to charcoal and fine shell grit. They live in an outside aviary and are treated with baycox and panacur 25 every few months.

I'm absolutely horrified this has happened so I'm desperate for some answers :cry:
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No stop worrying, they look absolutely normal to me. The hens beak turns black when in breeding condition and look scaly at the base sometimes. The bald area's is probably where the cock bird hangs onto with his beak to mate and feathers get removed in the process, they actually mate in the nest box if one is provided but will have ago on the perch but in most cases unsuccessful. Just let them do their thing.
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