Bad Parenting or other cause?

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Posts: 34
Joined: 25 Aug 2021, 10:56
Location: Kuranda, Qld

I am a 1st season Gouldian breeder in a colony situation. I have 4 pairs sitting hard on eggs. One pair has had 3 attempts and have hatched 2 to 3 chicks per clutch. The other pairs must be due to have hatchlings soon. I inspect about once every 3 weeks, not wanting to disturb too much.

So far, I cannot get one chick to live beyond a day or two (based on their size when I find them dead with empty crops). I appears the parents do not know how to, or wish to feed them. Very frustrating.

They are on Avigrain Blue with good access to fit grit, cuttlebone, charcoal, sprouted seed, fresh green seed and seedling greens. They have plenty of room and nest boxes (about 3 per pair). Plenty of direct sunlight and lairage out of the elements too. They have been regularly treated for warms and ectoparasites (both avamectin and moxidection, sometimes with praziquantel. They seem active, fit and happy in a large planted aviary.

All are younger birds but one pair is I think older and may have bred before (hopefully yes and might act as a guide for others?)

My question is, can any one advise how to change the situation regarding chick survival. Any suggestions greatly appreciated
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Unfortunately these problems happen with colony breeding gouldians especially with young first year birds that are trying to form guaranteed partners. But this rarely happens in colony breeding with jealous birds or a dominant pr rules the roost stopping birds from entering their nest hence the young die of starvation. Hopefully next year they will sort themselves out but there will always be a dominant pr. Nest box position can cause concern as well. Try to place them at the same height and space them well apart, the dominant pr will always want the highest off the ground box so place some lower and have at least two boxes per pr.You won't see this behaviour whilst you are watching though.
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