Aggressive male Zebra finch

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I have 2 male zebras, a normal and a fawn. Recently the fawn has been getting aggressive and chasing the other making what I assume angry squeaks. They got along fine the entire time I had them (they weren’t mine and don’t know how they were prior) I had 2 nests and they were building them together just fine, til the aggression started a few days ago, I removed both nests in case that’s what’s causing it but that didn’t work. I added another food bowl as well as branches of equal height at the very top and still nothing worked. So far the fighting only ever gets worse at night (7-8pm). They are housed in a large cage that’s 3ft long, 50cm wide and 4ft tall. I don’t know what to do, do I have to separate them or just wait and hope it’s just hormones from breeding season?
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Location: Midwest of West.Aust.Coast

Birds should be kept in groups of 3 or more. Your cage is big enough for a 3rd.
Why? Because with two you always have a dominant and a submissive.
With 3 or more the dominant must keep his eye on two or more subordinates so does not over do the bossiness with any one bird.
Yes breeding hormones with make the "boss boy" grumpier.
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