Last resort sick finch

Is your finch sick or not well? Find out why.
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Hi folks, it’s been a while.

So I have a problem I’m hoping someone can help with.

I bought a blue gouldian about 6 months ago.
She’s approximately 1 years old now.

I’ve had her at the vets twice. Once when I got her and she was just not right and 3 weeks ago when she went downhill again.
This bird seems to be a rollercoaster. She can look ok for 5 minutes then appear to be at deaths door.

So she’s had a few doses of Baytril over the last few months as per vets instructions and has an open prescription for the stuff because she’s so up and down.

We’ve had 2 separate fecal smears done, she’s been literally tested for everything from psittacosis, bacterial infections to viruses and worms etc.
These all came back clear.

Two different vets from different practices are stumped. We literally cannot find anything showing up with this bird.

I’m at a loss as to what to do now. She’s currently sitting under a heat lamp I’m not even sure she will last the night.. and I’ve no idea what to try...
So open to any suggestions anyone has.

Light but not scarily light. Just doesn’t seem to thrive.
Often sits squinting, eyes half closed.
Fluffed on an off - she can be fluffed then look normal 10 minutes later then look fluffed again.
Doesn’t move around much (is not blind)
Falls off perch regularly especially at night
Eats, plenty.
Drinks excessively (at this rate I might be drinking excessively and it won’t be water!)
Normal poops except extremely watery, due to all the drinking she does.

I don’t want to keep pumping her full of Baytril or other medications just in case they may or may not work.
I have given her milk thistle for a week after the Baytril course. I desperately want to find a cure.

If anyone has any ideas, I can get pictures whatever is needed. . I just want to help my little lady.

Thank you :flower:
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In Australia we had a similar problem with blues with the same conditions. By chance myself and others found they have a deficiency in vitamins and minerals and amino acids in particular vitamin A and E. We used a multi vitamin product with extra above vitamins in it. The product used was for animal use called Soluminavit liquid or powder form in their water or dusted over soaked or sprouted seed. This is the reason veterinary results come back clear as they are not looking for vitamin deficiency.
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Craig52 wrote: 17 Mar 2023, 09:21 In Australia we had a similar problem with blues with the same conditions. By chance myself and others found they have a deficiency in vitamins and minerals and amino acids in particular vitamin A and E. We used a multi vitamin product with extra above vitamins in it. The product used was for animal use called Soluminavit liquid or powder form in their water or dusted over soaked or sprouted seed. This is the reason veterinary results come back clear as they are not looking for vitamin deficiency.
Thank you Craig, that’s very useful. I keep thinking it’s something I’m doimg or not doing. I’m repeatedly stressed and sad over this. She’s a beautiful bird (I will never breed her or keep blues again. She came with a few birds as part of a package so I took her) if I can get her through this she will always be kept in the house as a pet even after my bird room and aviary is done.

I do have a multi vitamin here I can put her on. It’s cheleated until I can see if I can source the soluminavit one. I stopped just giving her things just in case as I don’t want to overmedicate. It’s called Ulti Vit Min T.E. From Colin Leask.
Ulti Vit Min T E (100mls)

Vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Optimal blend in a chelated solution.

Application: 2mls per litre in the drinking water for 2 days a month. Use monthly.

I really really want to do everything I can for her.
I appreciate your time with this. Thank you. :)
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Craig52 wrote: 17 Mar 2023, 09:21 In Australia we had a similar problem with blues with the same conditions. By chance myself and others found they have a deficiency in vitamins and minerals and amino acids in particular vitamin A and E. We used a multi vitamin product with extra above vitamins in it. The product used was for animal use called Soluminavit liquid or powder form in their water or dusted over soaked or sprouted seed. This is the reason veterinary results come back clear as they are not looking for vitamin deficiency.
Hi Craig, we cannot get solumnivit here, but I’ve ordered aviform, which seems to be the closest to what you have described. She’s hanging in there for the moment and I’ve put vitamins in her water.

Does this sound like it will help, will she need to be on this permanently?

Antioxidants : Tocopherol- rich extracts from vegetable oils (delta rich) (1b306(ii))1000mg
Vitamins and Pro-Vitamins : 25-hydroxycholecalciferol (3a670a) 0.1mg, Biotin (3a380) 0.3mg, Niacin (3a314) 1000mg, Calcium D-pantothenate (3a841) 300mg, Vitamin A retinyl propionate (3a672c) 159563iu, Vitamin B1 (3a820) 300mg, Vitamin B12 2mg, Vitamin B2 180mg, Vitamin B6 (3a831) 650mg, Vitamin C/L-Ascorbic acid (3a300) 500mg, Vitamin E (3700) 2500mg, Vitamin K3 200mg.
Trace Elements : Copper (copper chelate of glycine hydrate 3b413) 500mg, Manganese (Manganese chelate of glycine hydrate 3b506) 300mg, Zinc (Zinc chelate of glycine hydrate 3b607) 1000mg.
Amino Acids : DL-Methionine (3c301) 750mg, Dimethylglycine (DMG) 40000mg, L-Lysine Hydrochloride (3c301) 1,000mg
Flavouring Compounds : Origanum heracleoticum L 2,000mg

Thank you 😊
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That product seems very similar to soluminavit but use sparingly and don't over dose as it will just go through the its system. Give the bird a four day dose then revert to once a week probably with all your birds as it won't hurt them once a week. Over time back it off to once a fortnight for long time use and see how it goes.
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Craig52 wrote: 20 Mar 2023, 10:50 That product seems very similar to soluminavit but use sparingly and don't over dose as it will just go through the its system. Give the bird a four day dose then revert to once a week probably with all your birds as it won't hurt them once a week. Over time back it off to once a fortnight for long time use and see how it goes.
Hi Craig, just wanted to update you shes still alive (at least at the time of writing this post lol) she's going through a molt at the moment so looking dreadful, but eating well. Giving her the aviform once a week for the duration of the molt. She's still drinking excessively, she will literally go straight to water when i chsnge the water every day(doesn't matter if I'm right there she will stick her beak in to drink while im still attaching the drinker). I feel if she makes it through this she will continue to do well with the extra vitamins.
Thank you so much. She will always be kept in the house as a pet for as long as she has so I can keep a really close eye on her.
As she's such a fighter and attacked the vets fingers I've called her Boudicca
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sounds more like air sac mite to me,but the minerals wont hurt
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garyh wrote: 30 Apr 2023, 09:30 sounds more like air sac mite to me,but the minerals wont hurt
It's 100% not ASM.
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