Gouldian died and now another sick

Is your finch sick or not well? Find out why.
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She could have been a little weaker. But as you correctly say - why these 2 and not others in this cage?
Other cages could be missing the mystery problem.
Is this the cage you lost the Owls from? Trying to eliminate possibilties here.
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Hello Jessica

That is sad news.
LIke you, I leave my Moxi plus treated water in the cage for two days and have not had problems.
Assuming the dosage was correct, and I know you are very careful, I would look elsewhere for the cause.
There are so many possible sources, I am sure you have been going over everthing in your head trying to think of something different that you have done this time

Like Craig, and I know he is grumpy (like me) but he does know what he is talking about, the fact that they both got sick at the same time and birds in other cages did not would suggest poisoning.

Is it the first time these birds have been treated for ASM, I have heard of birds with very high infestations having problems after treatment.
It should not be an issue with birds treated on a semi regular basis


ps Just another thought, sometimes if you treat with multiple medications at the same time you can run into toxity issues
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Craig, You are correct, the dosage rate on the bottle says 5-10 ml/ltr. I opted for the high and as I said, it works for me. My Gouldians handle it just fine.
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Cheers mate
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Sorry I didn’t respond earlier, Craig – had school on Friday then we were packed for weekend trip and fam wouldn’t wait. GRRR. We just got back and are going into our family meeting at noon to discuss this issue, review our notes and mom’s medication directions.

Just quick input: this cage of birds (large flight) has the original birds purchased in November (no new birds) and this is the first asm treatment. The blue male is still struggling to breathe about the same as before (he was left in this mixed flight). The breeder has a regular maintenance of treating for asm as I’ll cover later when I get my mom’s notes and he treats regularly every four months. He is not a ‘puppy-mill’ type breeder and is considered one of the top in the U.S. and his reputation for healthy birds is impeccable. The owls came from a different breeder who (later) we found out has reputation for sick birds.

Finchbreeder, not same cage as owls but that is one of our HUGE concerns because if it is megabacteria or canker … well, more later after our meeting.
Thank you all so very much and I’ll post again once we go through all the meds we have and how we’ve documented treatment.
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Not the same cage obviously eliminates one possibility.
Are the cages in the same room is the next question - obviously.
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Been meaning to respond here. All birds are fine and we are implementing routine to protect from contaminants but I've been swamped with soccer, school and prep for graduation but I must tell you - today I was home and ... WE HAVE A BABY BIRD WHICH FLEDGED!!! It landed on cage bottom and I put it back in nest but it just came out again. It is fully feathered and we are all so excited!

We stopped looking in nests - we heard chirping May 17th! Second one still in nest (maybe even more). It's chirping and parents feeding both now! I'm so excited I can't even type! Fam went to park so none of them know yet. I stayed home because I've been gone constantly for forever it feels. My day to be lazy.

I can't wait to show them. I'm taking videos! I'll get back to medications after school ends in few weeks!
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Congratulations on babies to you and the proud parents.
Also congratulations on Graduation. What are your future plans?
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Finchbreeder so sorry - I missed this message! I'm taking the summer off - I haven't decided on the medical field - too big a decision without careful thought. But I'm enrolled in OSU's pre-med to help me figure it out!
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It is indeed a big decision - sounds like you are doing things the smart way. Good luck with whatever you choose.
And glad to hear your finches are being productive. Noises coming from boxes here - but too cold to risk checking in case they jump ship.
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