Should I get parrotfinches?

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Hi everyone I currently own two pairs of gouldians and a spare gouldian (not sure if cock or hen) they all live in a double flight cage in my bedroom I would have them outside but I feel its too cold here in the UK but parrot finches have always intrigued me I know nothing about morphs or colours but I think they're beautiful and if I do get some can I keep them with my breeding gouldians or is it best to get a different cage? (I've only owned finches for about a month 😅)
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Gouldians and Parrotfinches are closely enough related that they should not be kept together in the same cage.
If you can have another flight cage that is big enough, by all means get them. But they are much more active than Gouldians and prone to getting fat if they can not exercise enough.
Otherwise their needs are very similar.
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I suggest you put them in a single cage on their own. If blue face definitely as they might cross with gouldians. Parrot finches use feathers in their nest and alot nesting material.
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Shane Gowland
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I wouldn't keep Blue faced parrotfinches with Gouldians; I've seen how aggressively they try and mate with anything that moves. However, I've run red-faced parrotfinches with gouldians for many years and haven't had any issues. Granted this was in a fairly large aviary, not a cage situation.
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