introducing new quails?????

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yay! Im so excited.... I have finally got a hold of one of three breeders up here and im of to get some more female tomorrow afternoon :clap:
ok so what I need is some advice on how to introduce the new females to the pair (Micky and Mallory) I have in the main aviary? im thinking of getting atleast 2 maybe 3 more females to put in there so its not just one that can get picked on.. is this a good idea? this aviary is one of the large ones from bunnings so about 1m (w) x 4.5m (l) and 2m (h)
And Im going to get 2 to go in with my male (Kingy) in the gouldians cage wich is about about a 1m (l) x 75cm (W) and 2m (H) is that ok??
please help i need as much info as i can get asap so i dont end up with to many females or major fights on my hands :)
Thank you
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well we got 2 new female todayand put one in each cage.... Micky and Mallory didnt really like their female so I removed them and swaped kingy into the big aviary with both of the new females which i think is going to work so much better since kingy is much more placid i think he will be a better dad :)

hopefully i will get some little baby quails soon as i have seen Mallory doing some odd moves like she is getting ready to pop out an eggs so i will be watching over the next few days with fingers crossed :)
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Location: Midwest of West.Aust.Coast

King quail generally do best in pairs. But some are ok in trios. The smaller of your avairys is definately not suitable for more than a pair. I would only put a pair in the larger avairy myself but as you have a trio in the larger avairy now see how things go. Good luck.
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