Annoyingly stupid nest position

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You may recall I purchased my first pair of yellow wing pytitlias a month or so ago. Anyway the damn things keep trying to build a nest on the metal framing supporting the colorbond back wall. The cock brings up nest material and tries to balance it. Basically one piece stays in place and another falls down. Eventually some stays, but not much. I see no way that the location they've chose will ever support a decent nest. Over the last week or so I've ripped out the nesting material a few times, then put up an old hanging pot thing stuffed with grass where they were building. They just ignore that, move along the frame and start trying to build on the metal frame again - brainless! I then attached some tea tree to the wall right where they're building and today they're again trying to build on the metal frame just beside the tea tree. Are these birds stupid? Any idea how to increase their IQ?
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Sam try putting a gouldian nest box in there,three out of four of my prs nested in them. cheers Craig :thumbup:
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Sorry Sam can't answer how you make the IQ of a bird better but when you find out let me know. How about a roll of wire mesh made into a cylinder attached to the wall. Have done this in my old aviery for a pair if canaries which so desperately wanted to breed on the ledge, worked a treat the wall and mesh made the base of the nest stick but I dint know how the pytitlias nest.
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Thanks for the suggestions.
I've just added a nest box, wire cylinder and also a decent tuft of coarse grass attached to the frame where they've been attempting to nest. Hopefully with all the options available they'll choose a sensible one!
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Hope for the best for you Sam.
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