Bengalese diseases, which ausie finches are serseptable?

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Joined: 14 Mar 2010, 18:59
Location: Ocean Grove VIC

With all the talk about the diseases Bengalese pass on with fostering, the Gouldian being one.
Are there any other Australian finches that have or would suffer from the diseases that the bengos pass on?
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Joined: 02 May 2011, 08:04
Location: Sunshine Coast, QLD

A finch is a finch is a finch. Bengalese can transfer their infections to any other finch and vice versa. The difference is in the inherent suceptibility of the individual to that disease. Bengo's are tough as nails and often remain as low level carriers of disease due to their strong immune systems. Any finch with an immune system unable to meet and defeat the pathogens challenge will be affected by the disease organism. This might be a mutation bird, a fledgling or any individual with an immune system that is suppressed by genetic weakness, stress, concurrent disease or age.
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