
For all your questions about diet and food for your finches
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Hi. My birds have access to some fine grit and crushed egg shells. Do they need cuttlebone as well?
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I always give them the option...that way the ones that do need it will eat it.. :thumbup:
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Cuttlebone, helps them grind their beaks, also. Or So I've been told. Oyster shell, I'm finding some birds eat it like they can't wait to see it gone, even with charcoal mixed with it. So I give both.
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Ok thanks. Is it best in large pieces or crunched up?
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oakes043 wrote:Ok thanks. Is it best in large pieces or crunched up?
I drill a hole in one end and hang it close to food bins...they dont usually poop over it then :thumbup:
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Thanks mate. I use Avione fine health grit mix which is supposed to have cuttlebone in it but I'm buggered if I can see any. I'll add some extra.
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Sorry I am so late on this:
Cuddlebone should always be supplied. 'grit' should not (if it is rock based). Crushed egg shell is very good- and of course you can use sea shells.

'Grit' is a supplement, not to aid in the processing of the food- the keratin plates do all that work. Cuddlebone- while overrated as a source of calcium, provides mental stimulation, beak trimming and trace minerals and should be available whole (not crushed). I recommend to provide at least one, and replace accordingly.
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